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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: [FwM]What hath Magic Wrought? MLP Without The Kiddy 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    When Icy was out out the door, Fox spoke to Lone Star.

    "I wasn't talking about forcing yourself on Miss Icy...but nonetheless...It's still a bit sad that you caved in first...I had believed you had a stronger will than I...Anywhom...lay down on the pillow and bedsheets now. You're only going to make things worse on yourself and in turn worry Miss Icy some more. I'm gonna check on Icy...STOP making things worse on yourself."

    "IF Lone Star is deciding to be smart...he'll be fine and should be layinf down,"
    Fox announced as he descended down stairs. He cocked his head watching Icy. "Miss Icy...here...being an earth pony myself...there's a simple trick to self bandaging." He went on to assist the mare.
    Icy looked up as he spoke. "I... ah... I never done this before..." she admitted, as she struggled with another roll of bandage. "Never... realised how much I relied on my magic." The icy mare shook her head slightly. She flushed slightly as Fox moved closer to assist her.

    "...Thanks," she said, as they finally finished up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "I'd appreciate that Lieutenant,"
    Gear replied not looking up. She continued to clean Sandy's wounds and what-not.
    "Aye, Captain," Silverpine said, saluting formally, before exiting.

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    Staccata processes the information she's found, or really the lack of it. Can't be too sure about all this. After a moment, she has to think back on what Tyrol said before responding in the not-so-excited voice everypony knows and loves.

    "They're clean, and we've found this out without blowing our cover or dragging them into this. Twenty minutes dealing with me or hay knows how long wondering why they were being investigated."

    She then gets one of those mischievous grins before continuing. "Going to this stranger guy immediately would be suspicious. In the meantime, I don't think you've ever once mentioned anything YOU'D like to do."
    Tyrol stared at Staccata blankly. "I don't see how is that relevant to anything..." he replied, shifting uncomfortably.
    Last edited by Grif; 2011-08-02 at 07:35 PM.