Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
"Everypony's got to have a hobby or stuff to fill their off time." She prods Tyrol in the side while walking back into town.

"Well you might be an odd case, you're somewhat oblivious it seems." She rolls her eyes without looking at the stallion.
"I still don't see how it relates to our condition... but okay." Tyrol glanced around. "I play chess with my fellow guards... A good way to pass idle time." He shrugged. "Lemongrass hated that game though."

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"No problem love, come now...let's go...get that fool to the clinic,"
He trotted back upstairs. He mentally sighed. What an afternoon. Not really how he had hoped his encounter with Icy would be like.
(Skipping ahead to the clinic then.)

And yet again, this time dragging Lone Star slowly across the streets, they finally reached the same clinic they visited not too long ago. This time, they at least went in through the front door. The receptionist had a little scare seeing Lone Star's condition, and quickly summoned the doctor.

"Oh. You three again? And how the hay did he get himself such a massive head trauma... Oh nevermind, bring him in. I don't think I want to know." The doctor gestured for both to bring him in. The receptionist moved to help.