Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"Miss Icy.....in the smallest sense sure, it was partially your fault, just a tiny tiny fraction for the initial repression, but the "actions" weren't yours, they were the actions of the independent entity living in you and the actions of the fool stallion who accepted them. Honestly, I don't believe what happened to Lone Star is your fault, it seemed to be an over the top/disproportionate reaction to go caving in his skull or whatever to me personally....but that would be the jealously talking,"
Fox bit his lip...no regrets...he'll tell the mare his opinions.
Icy continued to stare into the distance as Fox spoke. "I suppose..." Icy replied, seemingly not convinced. The guilt she was feeling wouldn't be so easily assuaged. "You do know I enjoyed it right? Despite all my protestations... I enjoyed it... I felt every single touch... every kiss..." Icy buried her face in her hooves.

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Staccata orders a veggie-burger, no mayo, no mustard, red onion, extra tomato. She eats the fries first because they always cool down faster and are better fresh. What's really odd is how your ordering tics never leave your system. The mare hadn't eaten at a 'burger and fries' establishment in roughly a year.

She almost orders a shake, but 6 BITS?! Who orders a 6 bit milkshake? A bit less tense than last night, Staccata tries to make conversation. "I feel like I owe you the answers to a lot of questions you've been bottling up."
Tyrol ordered just a plain veggie burger to go with some coffee. He sat there munching as Staccata asked her question. "It's not my habit to go around questioning things which I am not responsible for. Just isn't proper." He glanced at the mare. "I may disagree with your methods; I cannot disagree with the results."