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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM]What hath Magic Wrought? MLP Without The Kiddy 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Crisis21 View Post
    Mica isn't actually all that frustrated. She's been lost with good company before, and she has yet to lose her temper.

    Though she was wondering who they'd ask for directions, but she recalled that Juniper could speak with Blackbeak as easily as one pony could with another. Perhaps that skill extended to more than just ravens?

    "Well, who do you think would we could ask?" she inquires with curiosity and kindness.
    Unlike Mica, June has never been in a stressful situation like this and is starting to unravel. "Umm, there's lots of trees......... Wait, I don't talk to trees... um there's that vine- wait that's still a plant........ Not a plant! That is not a plant! That would be a snack...... no, snake!.... There's a .... ooo a bird excuse me!.......Wait that's a leaf........ Oh a squirrel, excuse me sir!"
    The squirrel turns and runs away very quickly.
    "That's alright, that's alright, I don't even talk to squirrels.... Oh what about that chicken over there!" June approaches the "chicken".
    "Um... excuse me. We're looking for.....um.... wait what are we looking for? I don't even know.

    As if we all didn't see it coming, the chicken reveals itself to be a cockatrese.
    "Um... I'm just going to..." June takes off running and pulls Mica along with her.
    She runs, avoiding trees as fast as she can. She looks back to make sure the cockatrese isn't on their tail, but it is. She keeps running and almost runs herself into a fast flowing river. June makes the mistake of turning around to see what she should do. She panics and shuts her eyes tight, losing her balance and falling into the river.


    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    "Yes. Let's go. But I have to warn you. The Library is just as dusty and dark. Ill teleport us there. It not Port Proof." said Grills. He dusted off his jacket.

    Once Fantasia finished putting the files away, Grills will teleport the ponies away to the foyer of the library via a dramatic fiery display. The building with be mostly deserted. The lighting is poor and a draft blows throught the halls. It is obvious that the building had taken damage from the town's many battles. It held up well though.
    Fantasia looks around for a moment taking it all in. It was a bit depressing and dark, but also very large.
    "I assume there's some sort of filing system?" She hopes more than asks.
    Last edited by Bunny Earz; 2011-08-02 at 09:47 PM.
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