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Thread: My Little Pony XVIII: Perfect Isn't Easy

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XVIII: Perfect Isn't Easy

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    I... find the discussion about pony being made of candy wandering into mindfcuk territory there. Just sayin'.
    To be completely fair, most of the things that we discuss will fall into the realm of mindfcuk for somepony. That's just the way this place goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    They're just candy, unless you really want to assume Pinkie is a death priestess and Bon-Bon is an undertaker. And you all need to stop being trolled by The Great and Powerful Mother/Daughter Trolls.
    Hey, our findings are completely accurate, and were double, no, triple checked. I mean, after all, we *are* ponies, surely we know our own physiology! How dare you insinuate that we are somehow lying to you humans for our own amuesment?

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
    Hey thanks! That's lotsa tonsa help! ^^
    Shimmer is just such a pretty pony. :3

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
    WIP - Captain Maneway!

    I'm....trying to figure out how that is a work in progress...

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    That looks absolutely gorgeous. o.o

    Unrelated, although important announcement: In a few hours, I'm leaving to go attend GenCon with some friends of mine. There will be much fun and frolicking. Where this concerns ponythread is that I will not have time to check it. Furthermore, while I am gone, you lot are scheduled to "see how fast we can make the thread move" on... it's either today or tomorrow, I think. Combine that with the fact that my next good chance to sit down and pony will be on Monday, and there is a zero percent chance I am going to be able to comb through the explosion that is to take place in my absence. I'm not even going to try. I'm not made of super colossal multi-quotes like SiuiS. If you have something to share with me, something that needs my attention or that you'd like me to hear, please, please, please PM it to me. I will not see it otherwise. Thanks, and have a great couple of days.
    You have a really great few days, there, Phoe. Man, I'd love to go to GenCon or one of those big huge conventions like that one of these days, if only I had the money and the time. Mostly the money aspect.

    And I absolutely don't blame you for not even trying to catch up, because, yeah, even without these peoples crazy plan that they're going to enact, the thread moves fast enough we'd probably be halfway through our next thread by the time you get back.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    So hey, pony folk! It's Wednesday. When I get up in the morn', I'm totally goof to blow through the thread unless told otherwise. How about you folks?
    Oof, there is no way I'm going to be able to keep up with the explosion that is about to happen. I think I'm gonna get left behind myself, because of stuff that I need to do today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sweetie Welf View Post
    I don't know; I like SiuiS, I like chainsaws, and I really like explosions. But I don't think all three should be combined at the same time.
    Awww. But I wanted to see SiuiS on the news today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    How dare you, sirs! Don't you dare besmirch the greatest creations in the universe, in all of their mulititude of forms and shiney death-bringing by comparing them to your squishy-squicky hormoney-flesh nonsense!

    *double slaps with gauntlet*


    Wait, that's not nearly dispropotionate enough retribution.

    *double slaps with butt-end of Snake Launcher*

    Muuuch better.
    *Ponysanity field!*
    Silly little lich. I'm just saying, what with all the spaceships and trying to conquer the universe and all, it just sounds like you're just sexually frustrated. I mean, it must have been while since you got laid. Well, you happen to be in luck, I have a few spells that can probably help you, first we need to put some meat on those bones, and then we'll work from there!
    Last edited by EsperDerek; 2011-08-03 at 07:22 AM.