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Thread: My Little Pony XVIII: Perfect Isn't Easy

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Titanium Fox's Avatar

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    Default Re: My Little Pony XVIII: Perfect Isn't Easy

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt. Ido Nos View Post
    Wait nobody had realized this yet?

    It just shows that you're going ponysane at an astonishing rate! Jade, get me the clipboard!

    I ain't your secretary. *Bashes with Clipboard*

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    *shrug* sorry, I just wanted to follow the thought-train where it would go. I still Believe ponies have standard anatomy, including bones, if only so the disturbing torture scene with erotic undertones I've had bouncing around my mind has somewhere to find purchase.

    That being said, jelly-like beasts whose internals are a paste and whose fur are symbiotic parasites would make a good Sci-Fi story.
    The gel would have to be akin to the subcutaneous and submuscular fascia, though, and allow for mild data transfer like a back-up nervous system. They could form random pockets to function as whatever specific organ they needed at he time, giving immunity to damage at the cost of slower metabolizaion of things like toxins or disease.
    The really creepy part comes when you realize that all you need is enough brain/mass ratio, and you could combine a bunch of these creatures into one. Their gelatinous nature would make healing themselves, or healing several individuals together, functionally identical. The hive mother is probably every leader of their people combined into one hideous, hecatoncheiral beast.

    Alright, I'll stop now.

    Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
    Ollie's also a pegasus. My justification is that he was on the road a lot (probably why her mom left) and his talent isn't related to flying; he's the one who taught her the buzzing motor wing trick, and he mostly focuses on that, since that's what he loves doing. He might actually be bad at flight; I haven't defined him that far.

    And now I'm off to a friend's birthday party. Yes, it is awfully late for that. He lives on a weird schedule.
    Which would quite well explain why Scootaloo seems to be having so much trouble with Flying. It's not an issue of being unable to learn, it's a genetic issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
    .... How many Lix does it take to get to the quivering mentally broken down soft and gooey center of a Lichie-Pop?

    The world may never know. ^^
    I read that as "How many licks does it take to get to the quivering mentally broken down soft and gooey center of a Lix-Pop? And I was just like "WOOOAH. Too risque! TOO RISQUE!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
    Oooh I hope so~

    Hey! hey! everypony!

    Well fine then. >c *pout*
    Magical across the room censorship powers? *Gasp* Teach me your ways!

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    Unrelated, although important announcement: In a few hours, I'm leaving to go attend GenCon with some friends of mine. There will be much fun and frolicking. Where this concerns ponythread is that I will not have time to check it. Furthermore, while I am gone, you lot are scheduled to "see how fast we can make the thread move" on... it's either today or tomorrow, I think. Combine that with the fact that my next good chance to sit down and pony will be on Monday, and there is a zero percent chance I am going to be able to comb through the explosion that is to take place in my absence. I'm not even going to try. I'm not made of super colossal multi-quotes like SiuiS. If you have something to share with me, something that needs my attention or that you'd like me to hear, please, please, please PM it to me. I will not see it otherwise. Thanks, and have a great couple of days.
    Bye, have fun! We'll miss you, oh queen of Bondage!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kindablue View Post
    Oh wow. Indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Fiery Tower View Post
    Ladies and Gentleponies.

    About this time three days ago, I had something to say. Now, being the stickler I am, I didn't want to start posting in this thread without context. So, I just read the last five threads.

    Yes, the last five threads.

    So, as to what I was going to say? I completely forgot. . I guess I'll just say "hey everypony, what's up?"

    Also, that Doctor Whooves animation is amazing.

    Erm, pardon. Welcome to the herd!

    You'll never escape us now...

    One of us... One of us... One of us!
    Last edited by Titanium Fox; 2011-08-03 at 07:38 AM.
    Avatar by DirtyTabs in the Adopt-A-Pony thread.

    Thank you all so much for voting!
    Co-Winner of Rainbow Dash in the Playground!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    For your dedication to ponies and giving us all entertainment with your quote tree o' doom, I hereby award you the Louisianan Purchase. How can I do that? Long story short, let's just say I picked a doozy of a poker game to go "all in".