Quote Originally Posted by Kurald Galain View Post
No, it resembles Thog beheading Roy, with Thog in the champion's outfit he wore when he was pushed into the arena.
You may be thinking of the poster. Compare the statue to this and this.

Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
Except that it isn't close, not really. He's not wearing armor or boots, he has regular pants instead of armor... The few times we've seen Roy in regular clothes he still wears boots, probably wouldn't wear the Strength belt in casual clothes, and has sleeves (which he also has on his armor). If this were any other art form no one would even mention it.
How can you possibly tell how armor-like his pants are? It's a rectangle either way!

I'm-- I'm very stuck on that point.

There's also no sleeves on Roy's armor.

Additionally, these kind of statues are intended to show the person in question in a heroic pose. Beheading a random civilian in civilian clothes rather goes against that -- logic would dictate the person he's conquering would be an enemy, in armor. I'm not sure why the rectangles do not look armor-y enough.

The only two things that are different are his lack of the right boots and the shoulderpads. The belt is quite a bit higher, though, now that I look at it, so that's another thing.

Again, though, not supporting that that was in any way intended to actually be Roy on that statue.