Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Don't worry about it. If something you say actually genuinely upsets me, I'll tell you.
That genuinely relieves me. Thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
She does? I don't recall her being exactly enthusiastic for Rarity's. Granted she wasn't hesitant to have Rarity design something for her like Applejack was, but I'd attribute that to Applejack being unaccustomed to wearing anything not designed strictly for practicality.
"I love fun things~!"
And then continues to beam as Rarity says "that settles it. We'll have a fashion show!". She then continues to enjoy the fashion show, despite her boredom with the dress-making.

*looks this up* "Flirty" is not the impression I get from that - rather just amusement at the whole situation, and Twilight's reaction to it. Which would seem more stereotypically masculine to me - she doesn't care about getting dirty or haphazardly cleaning mud off, and is amused by the reaction of someone who does, and willing to laugh about it to her face. You could even say she was being rather insensitive due the whole "outright laughs at Twilight's appearance" thing.
The tackle seems intentional. She then spends that whole time giggling at and playing with Twilight Sparkle. I personally find that scene to be the most feminine example of RD I've yet seen.

If by "pressured" you mean when she's petrified of failing in front of a massive crowd, sure; but personally I can't see anyone getting angry as a result of that. That's just fear.
Every man I've ever seen in this scenario has verbally or physically assaulted their friend who was (un?)knowingly usurping their spotlight. Granted, I've known fewer women in that scenario, but they generally turn inward rather than lashing out at an actual or perceived cause of friction.

On a related note though, to such a degree as she cares about appearances, it's mainly because she always wants to look "cool." Which I'd call stereotypically masculine.
That's true, but what I was getting at is that Rainbow Dash is fine looking cool or looking pretty, where I've never met a tomboy who was comfy being pretty. Most tomboys feel out of sorts when 'forced' into a situation where they have to be girly. The same goes for other sets of people who identify by their externals. A gentleman who wears dapper clothing would feel equally out of sorts in a t-shirt and jeans, while a guy who typically dresses up but doesn't identify as a dapper gentleman wouldn't care.

This hinges on how one defines tomboy, by the bye. *shrug*
To the degree that she shows? Miss "I hate losing?" The one who has to be the very best, and was less willing than Applejack to take their competitions as all in good fun? No, I'd definitely call that a stereotypically masculine trait.
I give you as my evidence, any and every stereotypical cheerleader.

That seems to me more a product of general impatience, since Fluttershy was slowing them down. In any event, as you say, neutral.

Also, you forgot her general arrogance about her athletic prowess, tendency to show off, or tomboyish manner of speaking ("I'd never leave Ponyville hangin'."Somepony's gotta record my awesomeness for the history books.")
Again, I bring up cheerleaders. Often considered the most vicious and competitive example of being female.

Competitive is not necessarily a masculine trait. Arrogance, smack talk, and informality are signs of comfort and upbringing, not male or female. I know plenty of feminine wimmens who talk informally when in a comfortable zone, such as hanging out with friends.

Uh, right, my observations were about her personality, not sexuality. I've not spared a moment wondering about any Pony's sexuality, and I can pretty much guarantee you I never will.

One, assumptions of orientation directly tie into gender and sex. One can't be a lesbian without first being female.

Two, I'm guessing I'm bumping up against your comfort zone with this bit of discussion, so I'll stop.

Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
Consider this: if you're the NPC, who's the DM?


No, "PhoeKun" is not the right answer. Try again.

No, "Roland" isn't the right answer either.

Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
It's not some standard thread ponysanity, it's something I'm tinkering with at the moment, but it's mostly just random thoughts at the moment.

Also, I was hoping for a little more response than this and Inkwell's joke response.
I'm sorry, mate. Im in a surreal, colors-and-sounds rather than coherent thought space right now. More emotion, less logic. So the point I'm getting at is I feel really bad but I'm not coherent about it.

Accept then a warbling blue cloud of sorrow over a dark purple background crowned by the rarity-with-a-tiara emoticon, and my assurance that I enjoyed it but haven't processed the story properly.