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    Default Re: My Little Pony XIX: I Emptied Your Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ScionoftheVoid View Post
    Charisma enough to get away with it.
    Or in my case, say something funny enough to get the charismatic ponies to jokingly 'agree' and declare it canon before anyone is the wiser ;D

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Nope! ... I love them all constantly.
    Aye, it's hard to convince most folks that love isn't a breadth or depth thing; the heart is is not a finite thing, but boundless.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScionoftheVoid View Post
    No, it means I have a very twisted mind. Trust me on this.
    Oh, I believe you. I was just using you as a springboard for self-flattery. Or trying, at any rate XD

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    *shrug* I gotta try...

    In fact, people often say I'm very trying...
    you allow for dissenting opinions? But you're evil? You are a strange starfaring beast, indeed.

    Lix, I bet Spike would really, really appreciate the attention of a Love Goddess right about all-the-time! You should go and comfort him. Right now. And stay there. Y'know, in case he needs you. At a moment's notice. For stuff...

    (Maybe I can get something out of all the crazy...!)
    I gotta agree with this. Spike needs some love, even just of the hugs and cuddles variety.
    Especially of the hugs and cuddles variety, since Zecora seems to have the rest covered.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ember_Glow View Post
    How old do you think the ponies are?
    20 ish. They are all mature adults, (...at 20? Maybe I should add another five, ten years there...) who just happen to be childishly naive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    So, no suggestions on any dark blue ponies with yellow/red manes then? Are there even any? My background pony-fu is weak...
    Sorry mate, didn't see this before. I'll give it a look-see.

    No, more would be better! Our armour has to proof against all sorts of weapons, including being tough enough to resist things we might not even have heard of! It has to be able to withstand hits from the weapons as diverse as the common anti-matter warheads, the Cybertank's matter-flux warheads, conventional lasers, lazers, particle beams and blasters, heavy beams (i.e. slicey-starship-in-half-y beams), disintegrators, plasma-pulses and of course, railguns or magnetic linear accelerators.*

    Starship armour is much more than simple slabs of metal, it's a complex mesh of layered, interlocking components; "ablative" portions to absorb and reflect energy attacks (like "laser", "ablative" has gained a more general meaning), "reactive" parts to disrupt and re-direct explosive or kinetic type attacks, with material with bonds strong enough to drastically decrease the effect of molecular-level attacks (e.g. particle beams, matter-flux, anti-matter or teleport-dispersion effects like the Warp Accelerators in use by the Saturn Syndicate Ascendancy).*

    There's not much you can do about larger railguns, of course, except grit your teeth. Of course, they tend to be less murderous than, say anti-matter torpedoes because of their tendancy to over-penetrate and punch out the other side. Some races, like, say the Orc Fearcrushy, have thicker and even more durable armour in thicker layers, but we tend rather to rely on our shields. Ours are significantly better than average at repelling attacks, so we have less spot-failures (against lucky or consentrated fire or the aforementioned railgun slugs moving at excess of light-speed.)[/quote]

    completely forgot about the shields. I can't quite imagine which twists of physics would allow for that kind of technology, though, so I can't even guess at how they would fare.

    Yes, coldbeams are very good at shattering matter. A lot of armour is more designed to handle very high temperatures, and nothing lower than absolute zero, so it's a way of circumnavigating some defenses (albeit an energy-costly, because coldbeams use considerably more juice than a similarly sized lazer, though the range characteristics (and actual theoretical maximum damage) are about the same.
    ... So you spend extra for the exotic weapon, take the EWP feat, and can overcome some DR? :smalbiggrin:

    Oh, I'm quite happy yo talk about this stuff; after all, it's not like I can give you in-depth techinical specs (I'm a necromancer, not a starship engineer), not that you'd be able to use them. (Literally, some of the materials we use are unique to the Aotrs and can only be produced by us, by various methods I really won't go into (because they are classified.)


    You know, sometimes I do make exaggerated comparisons for humorous effect! I don't always literally mean everything I say! (Clever Hint: if I say, I'd rather do [some random stupid thing] it's usually a sign I'm being sardonic...)
    I knew how you meant it silly. It was
    "wow, [general you] can do that? [specific me] will have to try that!"
    And speaking of missing a joke by taking something literally...

    She actually said something unrepeatable.*

    Also, to flash me, she'd have had to take her armour off. And, like me, Hopereaver wears the heavier medium body armour (because we both tend to get stuck in to combat on away missions, so we both prefer the extra protection over the standard light body armour normally used by staship crews). That's a fully sealable (because some enviroments are hostile even to creatures that don't need to breath - corrosive atmospheres, for example) suit of synthetic plasteel armour with greaves, so it's not something you can take off quickly. (We also have a heavier suit for drop troops, and of course, full powered armour as well. All our armour is also magic-permable, meaning I don't have to worry about chucking spells with fully suited up.)

    You can't get truly sub-0 K tempertaures in nature, no. You just can't get less than absolute zero, because you can't get less than zero particle movement (as it is physically impossible to have negative movement!)
    Blast. Looks like I hit one to many quotes. So this is directed at Erikun as well.

    Hi Erikun! Having fun?

    I read at one point about a study showing that under enough pressure, matter would overlap. That is, the smallest particles, which theoretically should be utterly solid, rather than having a large percentage of their structure taken up by empty space, would occupy the same space. Despite such a thing being physically impossible.

    So, given that we can have matter occupy other matter (I think it was about phasing, unsure though) and space beyond space a la a hypercube, is it possible to have negative movement? Despite being unable to conceive of negative movement, that is.

    Given that matter is energy is matter, disintegration at crazy impossibly low temperatures makes sense.
    Negative temperatures seem to be a result of the universe not compiling in this specific case the way our general-case equation would say it should. Defining temperature using two other variables is a novel but understandable concept. Silly quantifiers. Some things just are

    And finally; given that I recall absolute zero being defined in celsius scale, I didn't put much stock into it. The most important thing I was taught in school was how very little they actually taught me in school. Aside from "a kilogram is 2.2 pounds", my knowledge of physics is self-taught.
    Last edited by SiuiS; 2011-08-05 at 08:11 PM.