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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XIX: I Emptied Your Thread

    Thanks, everypony. The scary thing is tomorrow is going to be even more exhausting. Somehow I got roped into doing an awful lot.

    Also, I should note, unlike Midnight, my family is pretty normal.

    Uhm...except for the fact that I learned that I had an older half-sister when I was in my twenties. That was pretty strange, I guess.

    ...Maybe my family isn't normal.

    A Midnight Nightmare Excerpt #5:

    The Elements.

    They were the immediate danger. She did not know if they would have the same effect as they did as her former self, but they had defeated her twice before. She could not take that risk. Not with what was at stake now.

    But she had realized it, the Elements weakness. Six Elements there were, therefore six Ponies made the balance of Harmony. Remove one, and the balance was destroyed. Remove one, and the others could not stop her.

    Kindness. That was the one she had chosen. The one who lived far enough from the others that they would not be able to attempt a rescue. There she was, tending to her animals.

    Aunt Fluttershy! Aunt Fluttershy! Can I help feed the bunnies?

    There was no need for subterfuge. She was but a pegasus without the others, and one beset by fear at that. She landed before the stunned, custard pelted pony, bathing the pegasus in all of her glory.

    T-Thanks for the splint, Aunt Fluttershy...I guess I was putting my hooves before my head. Oh, my Mommas are gonna kill me..

    The look on her face. Shock, yes, but not fear. Relief...relief and worry. Kindness took a step forwards, not a step back. She called out her name.

    Here, Aunt Fluttershy, let me pour the tea. It's easier for me.

    Why...Why was she hesitating? She had but invoke the magic that was on the tip of her horn, and Flutter...and Kindness would be no more of a threat. The Elements would no longer be a threat. It was so simple.

    Did you *really* stop a dragon, Aunt Fluttershy?

    No! No, for her sake, she would do this!

    The magic was invoked. Fluttershy's eyes widened, as she began to dissolve into colorful smoke, a bottle appearing before her. A single word escaped her lips, her name once again. She turned her head from those eyes filled with betrayal, before Fluttershy disappeared into smoke, the wisps filling the bottle and sealed inside.

    It was done. She was victorious.

    Then, what...what was this feeling inside her?

    It's guilt.

    She had done what she had needed. She had eliminated the threat to her plan. Then why...why did her chest feel so heavy?

    You feel guilty because you love her. After all, I should know...

    Something was rolling down her cheeks.

    You've been with me all my life...

    They were tears...
    Last edited by EsperDerek; 2011-08-05 at 11:23 PM.