I have just enough time to write this (shortish) excerpt before it's time to start doing things:

A Midnight Nightmare, Excerpt #6:
This was harder than she was expecting.

You should have realized, you know. You're a smart pony.

Oh, not in terms of the actual conquest. Three-quarters of Ponyville had already fallen under her sway, turned to obedient servants through the ancient spell. The magic this reborn body possessed was incredible, and each servant she made added to that strength.

The rest had taken refuge in her hom-in the library.

You were with me all this time. You lived my life with me. You had the same experiences I did.

But each time she was forced to face a pony that she knew, terrible, unfamiliar feelings raged inside her. Every time they looked at her with shock or fear or betrayal, her heart pounded painfully in her chest.

You were right, my greatest fear is being alone. But only because I know how blessed I am. Only because I was given so much love. That's the key to love. It must be given.

She would need to master these feelings, and quickly. She would not have much more time, her Mom and Grand-no, the Princesses would have assuredly been alerted by now. She needed to capture the rest, particularly Mom-Twilig...the Element of Magic, if she stood a chance to defeat them. She supposed that the remaining Elements were keeping her and her other Mo, no, the showmare, from confronting her on the field.

She would need to force down the...guilt...that raged through her, and go to them, instead.

But you know that, don't you. Because you lived in me. You are a part of me, and you received the same love and warmth that I did.

It was for a good cause.
It was for a good cause.
This wasn't the pettiness of Eternal Night.
It was for her, to ensure she would never be lonely.
The one that she loved.

I can't love somepony that hurts everypony that I love. Everypony that she loves.

She would understand.
In time. This was the best thing for her.
Yes, this was the right thing to do.

As she advanced towards home, the last bastion of Ponyville, her own justifications sounded hollow.

Even to her.