Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Apocalypse Rarity tanks... one more step towards Command and Pony: Pink Alert 2.
Kinda... It's actually a recoloured Cybertank Eradicator Heavy Grav Tank.

I may or may not do an even more apocalypse-y/mammoth-y tank for the my ESU/Soviets. The trouble is, with a vehicle of that size is they are dead expensive (like nearly $50, as much as a platoon of four regular tanks). (Plus, they take frickin' ages to do!) The Cybertanks use Eradicators as command tanks, so I only needed one as a centre piece. At the moment, I'm frantically gearing up for the next big convention in the start of October, so now I've done that, I need to do a few more smaller vehicles. But, I must admit, given how well t's come out, I might just do one for the Soviets.

I've been working on that bastard most of the week (one reason I've been posting more than usual was my need to take a break for a few minute on ponythread!) The biggest worry was I was going to hit TCAD's nebulous, I'm-going-to-throw-a-fit-and-not-let-you-export-for-3D-printing issue. But I was a little sparser on the detial, and I knocked "rivets" back a few facets (as at 1mm, you won't tell between 14 and 12 facets!) and I got away with it.

That was the reason I really wanted the blue background pony, earlier, to see if I could match the existant colours to a pony. But no luck there, so I went ahead and fiddled with recolouring it to the right colours1. With TurboCAD, once you've started boolean adding shapes together, you can't usually change the material/colour; so it required me to basically rebuild several parts of the hull in the right colour, and do a bit of selective adding to get the indentations. (Because assembling the Eradicator as opposed to the...Eraricator...? for printing took about three-quarters of an hour. Actually, it probably took nearly as long to recolour it, but at least it a marginally less tedious task...)

1Yes, I did mainly pick Rarity because "Raritank" sounded the most punny of the mane cast.