Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
At the risk of negativity, what's everyone's least favorite episode? Mine is Owl's Well That Ends Well.
Show Stoppers. I don't like the Cutie Mark Crusaders to begin with, and that removed what little interest I could have had in them by making it ludicrously obvious what talents of theirs will get them their cutie marks, but having them be too stupid to notice. Also, the song. I only like maybe half of the show's songs, and that one isn't among them.

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
Feeling Pinkie Keen.

The morals just rubbed me the wrong way. Rapidash Twilight almost made up for it though. Almost.
While I agree that the aesop at the end rubs me the wrong way, aside from that I liked that episode. Plenty of classic cartoon antics and slapstick (which I have a weak spot for), plus the Hydra is one of the few real action scenes in the show, plus, as you say, Rapidash Twilight.
