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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Aug 2008

    Default Re: My Little Pony XIX: I Emptied Your Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
    It may take me a little to transfer the formatting from this thread, to a more standard Google Docs format, to make sure that all of the impact is still there. So much of it, is about the format.

    I think one of the things I might do is transfer each 'Excerpt' to it's own Google docs page, and make the reader move from excerpt to excerpt.
    Yeah, the colours and formatting make a huge impact in this. Especially using the alternating colours when referring to 'her'. And splitting the excerpts would be a good idea too, though maybe to just separate pages within a single Google Doc instead of multiple Docs. Or put a full page of filler between them. Oh! I know! Get a picture for each excerpt to use as separators between them!

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Olympia? I think you have a rival.
    Pfftt, just because he launches rockets of mass destruction doesn't mean he's better. I'm a precision weapon.
    Right. A shotgun. Precision. *snickers*
    Laugh all you want, Lyra.
    Oh Lyra, of course Olympia's a precision weapon! You have to be very precise when choosing which direction you want the murder to go!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    They would be, at best, referred to as left hand sword and right hand sword, if such an emergany where telling the difference between two identical blades would matter. (I cannot think of one that has ever occurred).
    You have been ambushed by a ninja rust monster! The creature forbids you from drawing a weapon, and offers to let you leave if you offer it one single weapon. Because you cannot draw the weapon, you must name which one you are willing to part with and it will take the weapon itself! Now you have a situation where telling the difference between two identical blades matters.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

    3: We totally need more EsperDerek. Half of you can work strenuous high paying jobs, half can RP. Vulcan mind meld on the weekends, then switch :D
    And the other half can write more fics!

    If one hundred monkeys pounding on a keyboard can churn out Shakespeare, what could one hundred EsperDereks create?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
    Actually it might. Can Braz has pony thread hugs?
    "Soldier, there is a sad pony in need of hugs! You know what this means, don't you?"
    *Sigh* "Shall I load all of them again?"
    "Yes. Yes you shall."
    *grumble* "...no idea how hard it is to get them all in the cannons..." *grumble*


    "Cannons loaded sir."
    *Pushes The Big Red Button*


    Quote Originally Posted by WJMill View Post
    Excellent work there, sir. :D I seemed to follow it fairly well, even though I still haven't read your Midnight stories, or know really anything about her.
    Everything you need to know about Midnight:

    Her mothers are The Great and Powerful Trixie, Twilight Sparkle and Luna. Yeah, that's largely it. I've only read one of the stories and that largely had to do with her dealing with the fact that she's related to Luna, so her genetic makeup still seems to be the part that you really need to know to get anything about her.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Considering how seasonal changes are such a big part of life in Equestria, I'd say that the calendar is more seasonal-based than anything. Maybe that translates to a variation of months, maybe it doesn't. As for years, I'd guess since the founding of Equestria. The whole NMM thing seems to have been kept under wraps, or at least isn't mentioned a whole lot. Basing the calendar years off of "Years since NMM was defeated" would kinda ruin that.
    I wouldn't really say the NMM thing was kept under wraps, just that even if the ponies have human lifespans that's still several generations of ponies since NMM was banished. It would be easy for that to turn to myth then be forgotten, even if the calendar was based off the day she was defeated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
    What for?

    Also, a general question - how does pony calendar look like? Since defeat on Nightmare Moon? Since coronation of Celestia? Since founding of Equestria? Other? Lunar or solar months? Calendar starting in January, or in March? Equinoxes being important dates or not?
    Personally I'm saying that it still follows lunar months, starting when NMM was banished. The New Moon phase each month is when Celestia takes a break from raising the moon. It's probably a lot of work to raise both that and the sun every day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Mask: I draw the line at megabloks. Trash cans, garbage hoses, hilarious fail joke AI, all fine. Not megabloks. Never megabloks.
    In the bucket you go then! OLYMPIA!
    Last edited by Kyouhen; 2011-08-08 at 09:36 PM. Reason: OHGODSBROKENSPOILERS