Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
I find it funny that in my timezone, you're checking the thread one more time before starting your day - at 4:23 am! You seem to defy timezone convention. You're a rebel.
If anyone gets to be impressive in their timezone ignoring, it's me. I get up at 3pm my time and stay up til 5am. I am essentially living an american time cycle in England.
BE IMPRESSED. Also hug me.

Oh, hush you. I can assure you, about 2 days late, it has no possibility of bein your fault

Ah, yes. Haven't played one of those games since Stadium, but Black Fog the Haunter was all I needed. Can't even remember who his support was...

And Dark got some good critters. Despite all having high attack, and all their attacks using the (usually shoddy) special stat instead, they rocked. And thy were vicious! Especially beat up. Sneasel'd weakest move, but oh so satisfying

Or maybe it was murkrow who had beat up? I kept him for some reason...
Sneasel. It sucked, but Sneasel had it. xD

Well, I think a lot of pet shops breed their own animals (to a degree). He got confused as to how shipping worked, and mama cat met daddy spaceship in the back room.

The rest was anime history.
I... just... lolwhut. xD
...wait. Cat+spaceship. Where'd the rabbit come from?

Poor Umbreon. I loved you. Sure, you weren't that fast, or strong, but I always played at night and dang did that moonlight heal come in handy.
And how could you forsake an Umbreon? It became an Umbreon because it liked you. It absorbed the moonlit powers of darkness solely to please you, and yet it is now forlorn, tossed away?!
I say thee, neigh! Come Umbreon to play the Endymion to our trainer, forever longing, forever questing, to prove yourself worthy.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I like them now. Not as much as the other evos (Except Leafeon, ick*), but I do like them.

Also, I'd have to know more about the situation to say anything about the daughter going evil. Buuut, given the type and the move set, I think evil is, to a degree, mandatory for us.
Well, thing is, I'm supermassively powerful. Iliana, (the daughter)'s mother*2 is even MORE powerful than I am. Iliana feels inadequate. Since her mother (Ebony, the black furred espeon, as it happens) is an Espeon, she became an Umbreon to have an advantage. Her Motivation, to use the Exalted term, is to defeat her mother in combat. Unfortunately, she's willing to do anything to get the power needed.

I think I already addressed the base here, so I will leave off with saying

I need to save those for future use. Wow.
Yay! I think all but one came from the pony thread.

Horsefeathers, she's right. I went from straight-laced "fan fiction is what you call a really crappy sex story" to being a crazy-tolerant, semi-talented drawfriend with a taste for sauce in about a week.

I didn't even come near the thread artifacts, either.*
I wasn't making it up, you know.

Not invariably. I tend to be good at authority positions, but that's because of a twisted sense of duty, which often requires me to step up and apply for the position.
It's actually a philosophical statement, I think. Don't remember where I first heard it.

Maybe I need to tone down the thread dependence...
Naaaaaah. (cuddles)

Throughout his career, Charizard has been a King of Beasts. I don't know what diamond/pearl or black/white bring to our saurion master race, but I'm pretty sure the glorious Age of Charizard is still in full swing.
Charizard is the Derpy Hooves of the original pokemon fandom. His popularity is eternal.

Quote Originally Posted by Hawkflight View Post
So, I was just wondering. Does anypony here play MMOs, like WoW or Guild Wars? I've seen some MLP guilds pop up on some MMOs like Runescape lately....
I play WoW. Quite recently, and I play the American version. I have a drunken melancholic mortiphobic deathknight!

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Jayden: Charizard is best pokemon. Dissenters will be eaten by Charizard.
Charger: Also Dragonaire.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
I don't know if they changed it or not, but gondra had no elemental weaknesses except Dragon. What do you think of gondra (or whatever Seadra turns into)?
It is ugly and inelegant and SO HARD TO KILL.
(fist to sky in true Kirkesque fashion)

Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
^>>>^ aww. Thanks~
And then there are the fantastic fillies, like Phoe and Lixie and filly!SiuiS~
I am not fantastic. I am just one of the average awesomes on the playground. The spectacular people are Phoe and SiuiS and DBC and Thanqol and Trixie and various others I can't mention and, outside this thread, people like Serpentine and SMEE and Trobby and the great Roland himself. I am not up there with the spectaculars. ./////////.

I need a picture of a blushing pony hiding under a desk.

*Yes, unlike SiuiS, my asterisks lead somewhere!
I dislike Leafeon, but I did see an awesome fakemon once. I think you'll agree it's prettier.

Source unknown.

*2 Don't ask.