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Thread: [Nexus] That Day Has Come

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: [Nexus] That Day Has Come

    Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post

    "The Remnant base has vanished. I am unable to contact Commander Vasquez or Aurora Evans. Reinholdt is currently in our custody. DC and Zee have been located by MagSat. Sending drones now. Continuing the search for Grace, Raril, and Rot."
    Magtok nods solemnly, reflecting on his long and successful partnership with Mainframe. Those days were fun, but deep down, he always knew something or other would bring them to an end. Mainframe was GLoG security, first and foremost, and if it had even the slightest inkling of what Maggy already knew was destined to happen to those helpless do-gooders, it'd go berserk. Its AI just isn't designed for a post-GLoG world, and it'd ruin everything in a futile attempt to save the League, if allowed to act.

    After gathering everyone up, he'd have to shut her down.

    Quote Originally Posted by VampireRot View Post
    The MagCave

    Devi is in her lab! Cowering under a table! And possibly whimpering.

    Rot being contacted is handwaved, and he shows up here! Looking rather bored, actually. He didn't notice the apocalypse on the trip over, apparently.

    "Hey Maggy. What's up?"
    Magtok just scowls, gesturing behind the vampire towards the city of Inside far off in the horizon.

    "That. That's up. The end of the world. Now, you can either risk having the tentacled oozing masses find your coffin and end you alongside everyone else, or you can bring it to the cave and take shelter in here with me, doing as I say and acting under my law. I don't care either way, but I should let you know that I've enough holy junk shoved in the armory to make you regret any sort of double-crossing"

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post

    Reinholdt, last I checked, in comparison with the timing, was just about to be tortured by Michalson. Since his player mentioned not participating in this plot, I'll just assume Michalson disappears suddenly due to timey-wimey stuff.
    Of course, that leaves one shaved cat alone in a torture chamber.
    "Ummm.... hello?"
    Another Magtok teleports in with a sigh, and immediately steps forward to cut right through the kitten's binds with his finger-knife.

    "It's happened, Rein. The End of Days. You don't like me and I don't like you, but I'm recruiting you anyway. We're going to stay here alongside anyone else of sufficient competence that I can pluck from the carnage outside, and we're going to try to just survive. Maybe develop a portal to escape to another dimension, maybe just scream at each other until the food supply runs out, or maybe even create a weapon powerful enough to worry Yog Sothoth itself, it doesn't matter. So whatever this was about, this breaking into the MagCave thing? It's done. We're forgetting about it right now and focusing on the important stuff. If you've any objections, feel free to voice them now."

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon_Called View Post

    As Magtok observes the satellite, an ice elf saunters over to him. In the ten minutes since the party was disbanded and everyone left, she's already changed into her full suit of plate-mail, a full-faced helmet tucked under her arm. Strapped to her back via a complex harness is a massive greatsword, easily as long as she is tall. It's hard to saunter anywhere in plate mail, but Moon Called seems to have turned it into an artform.

    "Just like old times, eh Maggot?" She observes with a smirk. "Well actually it's nothing at all like old times, but maybe if we give Cuthulhu a giant Napoleon hat we can pretend it is."
    Magtok rolls his eyes at Moon.

    "Pfft. With everything Old AMEN had at its disposal, we still only just barely managed to stop France. If you think I'm going to war, or fudge, even going back outside ever again, you're crazy. And put that helmet on, your face is going to scare off all the refugees."

    Quote Originally Posted by Saurous View Post
    Outside the MagCave

    The elf drops down from his little perch and heads back into the MagCave.
    Quote Originally Posted by Haruki-kun View Post
    [MagCave - Outside]

    Psi arrives, but doesn't try to enter, stopping right outside. "Arrival at 'MagCave' confirmed. Now scanning area for signs of Human activity.


    The girl is making no attempt at hiding, so any surveilance equipment should detect her immediately.
    Outside the MagCave, Both of 'em

    Hey look, it's Squiddly, the giant floating monstrous squid MagBot! =D

    "Welcome to the End of Days, mortals. State your name, your skills, species, and motive for coming here. I have been authorized to deny any and all shoggoths entry, as well as any individuals that cannot, as my my lord put it, 'pull their weight'. Disqualified entrants will be shot if any display of resistance is shown."
    Last edited by Lord Magtok; 2011-08-10 at 03:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi