[Inside Red Zone]

Can a 10-foot tall man made out of metal fly? Of course he can! Of course, now he's looking more like a 6-foot tall metal man now. The rest of his massive frame has been morphed into an equally huge set of wings, which are currently holding him aloft. Spotting Jakob, Kampilan descends for a graceful landing, his wings shrinking as he does so in order to restore him to his usual height. His fine clothes have long since been shed. There was a time and place for such things, and this, most certainly was not it. The giant androgynous metal construct approaches Jakob, its deep voice booming from its, only without any of the supercilious, nasally pitch of its usual speech. Again, not the time.
"Are you a member or WATCHTOWER?"
Don't ask how it knows.

[Meanwhile, at WATCH]

A cat sits in the courtyard, staring into the distance at events otherworldly. Watching, waiting. Soon.

[Meanwhile Meanwhile, at the MagCave]

Kal is still here! Seriously Kal! What are you doing here? Don't you know the entire world is going to Hell in a handbasket?
Oh wait.
Not caring in the slightest if the mortal realm becomes the new home of a bunch of squiddly things, Kal, wanders around the MagCave lobby/foyer place, pouring himself another glass of punch before looking for someone else. Probaly so he can taunt them as their puny world collapses all around them.

[Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile, Back at WATCH]

Typical, really. You skip out on one apocalypse. 'Doesn't matter', you think. 'You're meant to be in Hestopia, enjoying Cessie and Harnel's wedding', you think. 'You've just been through three apocalypses, you better take a break on one, or else you could get Post Apocalypse Fatigue Syndrome', you think. You know, because you're already such a well adjusted and mentally stable person. And then all this happens. Well, screw it. So it's just the waking of Cthulhu and the inevitable end of everything you know and love (in this timeline, at least - you're vaguely aware that a splinter timeline was created, though of course the fact that there's another you that gets to live isn't quite as comforting when it's a your head on the chopping block instead). But so what? You have a plan for this sort of thing, right? You ALWAYS
have a plan!
Sighing, KR sits down on the observatory floor, turning off all the view, one by one, until just the one, staring at Inside, remains. End of the world, and for the first time ever (not counting that time, that time... oh, and that other time too), KR has no idea what to do.