Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
That's an interesting idea. I'd love to see the finished product before I weigh in on the story as a whole.
I *do* hope you'll like it, but I'm also willing to listen to any comments and criticisms you have with it, once you've read the finished product. At the very least, your information and help was part of what made Moonlight so strong.

Quote Originally Posted by dromer View Post
If you're planning on putting an entire page of stars between chapters, I'd recommend against it. Also, taking pictures of stars is difficult without a specialised camera, and nigh (read:neigh) impossible in a city, so be sure to take account of that.
Oh, goodness, no. Not a whole page of picture, that would just be...nuttiness. Just like, a small picture. Enough to bring sort of the necessary break in the narrative.

And I'm aware of the problems involved, believe me, it's just basically going to be an experiment to see if I can do it. If I can't, I'll come up with something else.