[Off to Rl'yeh!]

The trip to the no longer Sunken City is rather harrowing, mostly due to the thick greenish fog that permeates the air all around that accursed, blasphemous place. Navigating the fog is rather difficult, as direction seems to be warped inside. Up is no always up. The horizon is occasionally perpendicular to the sea. And straight lines aren't always straight.

The trip is possible.

But by no mean safe.


At this point nowhere is safe.


The giant mountain of rotting corpses and festering tumors is still distracted by D Lord. But there's no telling how much longer that's going to last.

For about twelve seconds the Great Defiler just sort of... sits there. Very possibly trying to figure out whether or not D Lord is serious. Because... really? D Lord is hoping to devour what amounts to the primordial manifestation of cancer and he's expecting positive results?

Gul'thar continues slimming his way toward GLoG, ignoring D Lord completely. The chunks of the Great Defiler that have been ripped free metastasize inside D Lord with a sanity shattering 'GLOM!' sound before devouring D Lord's metaphysical substance utterly.

D Lord has just been killed by Eldritch cancer.

The end.