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Thread: [Nexus] That Day Has Come

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Rae Artemi's Avatar

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    Feb 2009

    Default Re: [Nexus] That Day Has Come


    "Nah, I don't like teleporting. It makes my stomach feel funny." Crae answers, and it seems that's that. "Had no idea Inside was where the monsters were coming from, slept through this whole thing. Besides, I'm really craving some Bamhacon, so I'mma go to Inside for that and maybe try to help a person or some people or something if I run into them," Crae says, and disappears back into his hole. "See you people around if we all survive or something!" He calls up from the hole, and then a bark can be heard, and his big drill starting up again.

    [Lucy's Mind]

    Victoria notices noises. but she does not react! It's important to stay calm if you're trying to calm someone down yourself. She digs in her pockets and pulls out a chocolate bar and a bright red lollipop! She holds them both out to Little Lucy. "Here, you choose one and I'll eat the other."
    Last edited by Rae Artemi; 2011-08-12 at 09:12 PM.
    I made comics!

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