So, I've been paying a Bez-Kismet in a small arena game and maybe it's just cause I optimized poorly, but I came away from the game feeling undereffective, and on level up to 2nd, am seriously considering switching classes completely.

Curse of the Fateless is an alright ability, even if the DC is really low; I decided it would be better to take a Feat Tax and snag Ability Focus, but even I was very reliant on others to deal out damage. I was hoping that leveling up to level 2 would fix this somewhat.

Unfortunately, Miser's Fortune does nothing to give it any sort of benefit to its survivability at level 2, and I still don't have the offensive power to really be able to handle a fight.

All in all, at low levels I find myself disappointed in the Bez-Kismet; its offense is limited strictly to a curse that is defensively oriented, and it is utterly reliant on native offensive abilities, and with the pull to Cha for the curse, I find myself worse at that than a non-gishy class would be.