[Off to R'lyeh!]

"Probably not, I'm afraid. But maybe there are giant fish in the city. Or Chtulhu's kitchen!"

Lewis looks curiously around.

"They sure won' let the trip go square, my appreciations for the groovy architects of this merry city"

Bowing, he flaps his insectoid wings and begins simultaneously flying and walking. His feet don't leave the ground but he won't fall into unseen holes either.

"Maybe I should compose a travel song for this trip to chippy old R'lyeh. What do you think, Trilby?"

[Lucy's Mind]

Something slams against the door, making Little Lucy's eyes go huge in fear and shriek.

"Nonono, can't find me. They can't find me, Lucy don't want that!"

She jumps up and hides behind Vicky, as if hoping she could shield herself from Them. Vicky may notice that the carpet she was sitting on depicts a scene of tall luminous humanoids giving something to a small worshipping ones.

"Please don't let Them take me from Lucy too, candy lady."

[Streets of Inside]

Rahona the time-travelling bird girl and the crutch-using man should still be wandering the streets of Inside in search for clues about when the time-split happened. Rahona is looking for any signs her time-gun can detect or people who seem to not have been devoured by monsters.

The crutch-man is probably just following her and trying not to be eaten either. Or maybe he have superpowers that keep the Soggoths away! It is the Nexus after all.