Quote Originally Posted by Soft Serve View Post
Well, my friends convinced me to post the background for my OC female Pegasus pony, Mystic Muse here. I'll give the thread a try this time around too, though I may end up leaving again. It'll be confusing at first, and it'll probably suck. Sorry if it does, this is my first attempt at a life summary.

Soaring Spark was a relatively normal boy. He grew up playing with his neighbors, going outside and collecting bugs, his favorite animal was a big Monitor lizard called a Komodo Dragon, and he spent every day with his friend next door, “Gingersnap.” when he could. She was a fairly nice all blue Pegasus Filly.

However, not all good things last. One day, his friend had to move away, and...he didn't react well. He decided a bit later that any girl who wasn't related to him wasn't worth talking to. Heck, he'd even treat some of his own cousins and family like dirt just based on that. However, he did grow out of this rather soon. He realized that his friend moving away wasn't her choice, she couldn't have done anything about it, and that he could always make new friends someplace else. He wasn't sure quite what to do though.

Unlike most kids in Equestria, he was homeschooled. Around about age 7, he decided it appealed to him better, and would just do that until he got out of school. His mom was very understanding, and he spent the rest of his schooling life at home.

Around age 10, he was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons. He got really into it, especially homebrewing stuff for 3.5. If he couldn't do that, he would usually just build Bionicles, or try to think up ideas for campaigns to play through with his cousins. One day, he woke up, and on his flank was a black and blue marble d20 on his flank, with the 20 pointing straight up. He never considered Cutie marks to be a big deal, but he was glad he had finally gotten his.

Soaring came from a somewhat big family, so when it would have come time for him to go to Flight school, his parents couldn't afford it, and he had to learn himself. Learning without a teacher was hard work, and he ended up going inside with broken bones several times before he finally got the hang of it. Even then, just plain flying wasn't enough for him, and he had to learn a couple tricks the Wonderbolts did. Cue more broken bones. He took it in stride though, and eventually become a good, though not great flier.

Eventually, when he was around 13 or 14, he found out about this odd program that took place in the mail, and he was invited. The idea was a large amount of ponies get together and write about various topics. You got a score card type thing where you checkmarked off things you might be interested in, and anything by anybody in the program related to that topic would be copied and sent to you. There were a lot of things, so he checkmarked off the following topics.

D&D 3.5, rules questions and Clarifications.
LGBTA topics. He wasn't quite sure what to expect from it, but it sounded interesting, so why not?
Media topics, Especially recent movies coming out
And lastly, simple friendly banter.

He sent the scorecard type thing back, and soon started getting a lot of mail related to various topics of interest. After a while, the LGBTA topics were his favorite, especially letters from a pony called Eclaire. She was just so darn cheerful, and sounded like a wonderful girl. However, when it came to her, Soaring was in for a surprise. She was Male to Female Transsexual, and that astounded him. Not because there was anything wrong with that, because there sure as hell wasn't, but because she already seemed so much like a girl that he was surprised that she wasn't. Not yet anyway, but she would be soon. Apparently, there were certain spells that could turn a pony completely into the opposite gender permanently. However, the spells were quite permanent, and there was no way to change back, so it wasn't something to be undertaken lightly. He told her that he thought this was actually pretty cool, and as far as he was concerned, she was a girl already. She felt ecstatic at his response.

That night he started thinking about transsexualism. He wasn't quite sure why, but something about it seemed almost familiar to him. Oh well, probably just his mind making up things. It did that sometimes after all, which is why his hobbies included D&D and Bionicles. It was fun making campaign worlds and various odd creatures. For now though, it was time to get sleep. He was hoping he would have a good dream instead of some various odd ones he had sometimes, like being a Demon slayer who hunted demons who had possessed inanimate objects to haunt specific places. Granted, that one wasn't bad, just weird.

In his dream, he had woken up and got up as usual, going to the restroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. He was barely awake though, so he didn't notice until after he had brushed his teeth that something was off. His mane and tail weren't as messy as they usually were, he had an Alice band in said hair, his wings were smaller and more petite, and he looked a lot more feminine. “Is somepony playing a prank on me?” he asked out loud, and he heard his voice. That wasn't his voice, it sounded like Holly Brook's. He kinda panicked and ran back to his room, to look for some indication that this was a prank. He checked his ID, and he checked his various drawers and stuff for his usual clothes. Nope. Instead he had skirts, bikinis, and dresses, and he also had a ton of makeup in his drawers. This was much too elaborate for a prank. He then got the bright idea of doing the simple thing, and just looking between his hind legs. Yep, just as he suspected. He was a she now. She ended up doing her usual routine throughout the day, and her family wasn't shocked at all. Apparently, this was a dream and she had always been a girl here. At least that wasn't too awkward. A little while later, he woke up, and it was fairly early.

He spent a little while thinking about the dream. It was, oddly, rather good. He then thought about his life in general. Some rather girly things had appealed to him throughout his life, but didn't do them because it wasn't masculine. He kept thinking and determined he liked girl's fashion better than guy fashion. Girls got to wear everything guys got to and more, and their clothes were more aesthetically pleasing. Lastly, he simply thought about girls compared to guys. Girls looked better, girls got to do more things, and they just seemed superior for some reason. “Oh Sweet pony princesses. I want to be a girl” he said quietly to himself. No, that wasn't true, he was a straight male right? Right?

He spent the next year and a half denying that he could possibly want to be a girl, and occasionally having more dreams where he was one. He was a guy right? Guys are born guys because they're guys and girls are born girls because they're girls. “But that's wrong. Eclaire was born male but neither of us have any doubt she's female.” he said to himself, and just kept thinking. Sometime after his and Eclaire's 15th birthday he got another letter from her. She had gone through with the spell, become a girl, and was very happy about it. Soaring started asking her questions about the spell. After a couple letters, she told him it would be easier if she just came to him in person and told him. He waited anxiously for that day.

That day, he got things prepared for a proper welcome. He got her balloons and planned to take her out to eat and to a movie. Eventually she appeared, and he gave her the balloons and the biggest hug he could manage. She was a white maned, black coated unicorn pony. Her cutie mark was, what else, a couple of Eclaires. Apparently she was a baker. “Thanks for coming. Could I ask some more questions?” “Sure” she responded with a smile. After so many she asked “Why are you so curious about this now? You could have asked before.” Soaring wasn't sure how to respond. Should he tell her about his doubts or should he just come up with a lie? No, she was his friend and she deserved the truth. “I've kinda been feeling like I might be transsexual too. I'm just not sure yet.” he admitted. Eclaire thought about this for a moment and said “I know how to find out. I'm going to ask you a few questions and you answer them as fast as you can. First, who is cuter, Luna or Celestia.” “Luna easy.” “What's the best movie ever?” “The Princess Bride.” “What is your favorite color” “Blue.” “What's your favorite soft drink?” “Cream soda” and as he responded, he wondered what this had to do with him being a girl or a guy. Nothing seemed like it would actually point one way or another. “Would it be better for you to be a girl or a guy?” “Girl” he responded, and realized what he just said. “There's your answer” Eclaire told him smiling. “I'm not really sure how to respond to this.” he admitted. “Well, you have plenty of time to think about that. For now, let's do something fun.” she suggested. “Alright” he responded, and took her out to eat and to a movie. It was fun, and if Eclaire didn't live all the way in Ponyville, he would probably ask to start going out with her. However, that wasn't practical, and he had this “problem” to deal with.

He started doing research about the spell. It didn't cost all that much, just 50 bits. He already had that in his bag of holding, but there was one problem. He didn't know of anypony nearby capable of casting the spell. He spent about half a year deciding what he should do about it and finally decided. Eclaire was in Ponyville, and the pony who made her a biological girl was also there. He would move there, and wouldn't have to deal with possible persecution from certain parts of his family. He told his parents that he was moving out, though he didn't say why quite yet. He flew to Ponyville, and then sent them a letter back explaining the situation. He got a bunch of letters back a couple days later from various members of his family, immediate and extended. He read the ones from his immediate family first. They understood why he did what he did, and though they didn't like the way he did it, they didn't mind him being transsexual. That seemed to be the response from most of his family, the key word there being “most”. From one branch of his family, he got a bunch of angry letters saying that it was wrong, that he should feel terrible about it, and that if there were an afterlife, he was going to hell for it. Well, that was about what he expected, and he gave the response they should have expected back. It was the same response to every pony who had sent him those letters, and it was only two words.

About a week after moving there, he had built his house out of the clouds, and started getting more familiar with the place. There was a bakery, a farm nearby, a library where he definitely wanted to get a card later, and a dress/makeover shop called Carousel Boutique. He stood outside of the boutique for a while, just looking at it, and said to himself “Not yet.” before moving on to the library. The pony there had her head buried in some book, and was surprised that there was another pony in town that wanted a library card. She had expected the town had run out of ponies looking for books and was relieved to see him. He got the card, a few books that looked interesting, and went on his way, going over to the bakery. After encountering Pinkie Pie, he wasn't sure if this was a mistake or not. At least he was able to convince her not to throw him a party. He didn't like crowds and wanted to avoid ponies as much as possible until he went through with the spell.

He decided a bit later to start hanging out around the library more. Twilight was a fairly interesting pony, even if you sometimes had to drop a brick in front of her to get her to notice gravity. Spike wasn't quite as interesting, but he was a dragon and earned points purely for that fact. Soaring and Twilight became quite good friends after a while, and developed a bit of a brother and sister relationship with each other. Twilight wanted to introduce Soaring to her friends, but he convinced her not to and explained why. Twilight still wanted to, but she understoood.

Well, he spent a while in town and found out Eclaire had moved to Manehatten. That kinda sucked for him, but she told him that the pony who had turned her into a biological girl was still in town, and her name was “Twilight Sparkle.” about a week before his sixteenth birthday. He spent the week being nervous about this and making sure this was what he wanted, and then his birthday came. Yes, of course this is what he wanted. It wasn't that he moved to Ponyville to get it, it wasn't that he had told his family it's what he wanted, and it wasn't that he convinced himself it was what he wanted. He knew this was it, and that would be his birthday present to himself. To stop chickening out and go through with it already. He took a shower, , brushed his teeth, brushed his mane and tail for the first time in a long time, and headed off towards the library.

When he got there, he informed Twilight of the situation. She warned him that it was irreversible, and that it would cost a bit, but he didn't care. He handed over the bits to her, gave her the description of what he looked like in his first dream, and showed her the voice he wanted to have. “You still need a new name.” she informed him. He hadn't really thought about that before. Yeah, Soaring Spark didn't sound all that girly, and he wanted a name that would suit his new form better. Eventually he came to a decision. “I'd like to be called Mystic Muse.” he said, and Twilight got on with the spell. An hour or two later, Soaring Spark was dead and Mystic Muse was born. “There'll be some disorientation, and you probably won't be used to the new form at first. I suggest walking home to get used to it.” she said and sent Mystic on her way.

She indeed was not used to the new form and fell down a few times on the way, but she got the hang of it by the time she got home. She went upstairs to look at herself in the mirror, and she loved the way she looked. Though, it wasn't quite as she imagined it. It was in fact better for several reasons. She looked a lot more fit like this, her features seemed more in proportion, and though she would admit it, she enjoyed her new pert and perky plot. her mane was short. and looked a bit like a human's hair. It hung around her face, though it was held back with a blue Alice band so it didn't get into her eyes, which were now a sky blue. She had a more clean looking cream colored coat, and her tail looked liked it had been properly straightened. She didn't regret this for a second, and she also loved the way she sounded. The only problem was she would have to buy new clothes. She decided to pull out anything she didn't particularly like anymore to sell in order to fund her shopping spree. She went to her room, and decided she would go tomorrow. She dumped out the contents of her bag of holding and sorted through her old clothes. “It shouldn't be too hard to find a few ponies willing to buy this stuff”she thought to herself.

The next day, she set up something along the lines of a yard sale, selling old stuff she would no longer use. A few hats she no longer wore, a couple of old shirts, and a few saddle bags. She even sold a few slices of cherry pie she made. She didn't make a ton, but it would be enough to buy a few more girly articles of clothing, a couple things of makeup, and she'd be able to get her bag redone to be more like a purse. However, she'd soon need more money to live. Her well of funds was about to run dry, and she hadn't gotten a job yet.

Over the next two years, she spent her time doing various odd jobs. She tried working at Sugarcube Corner, but that only lasted a couple days. She simply couldn't handle the insanity that was Pinkie Pie. Later, she spent a bit of time as a masseuse. She picked up the trade, but eventually decided to move on. There were a few creepy ponies coming in for hoof rubs, and she decided it would be best to just move on. She would have worked at the library, but it didn't take in enough money to support her. Twilight was living there on the Princess's dime. Eventually, after trying so many different jobs, and feeling like she wouldn't be useful at the boutique, she came back to what she considered her one and only option.

Sugarcube Corner.

Oh well. At least they had good Dutch Apple Pie, and Pinkie's parties weren't too bad. Maybe she had calmed down in the time Mystic had been away?

“Oh hey! Mystic's back to work with us!” Pinkie said and tacklehugged her during the interview. Well, so much for that vain hope.

The end.

Yes, the mail program is supposed to be the equivalent of something like Giantitp.
Wow, it is quite long, but i guess that it is appropriate being a short life story rather then a background.
Now in just MY personal opinion
it lost its "pony feel" in the middle, and could have been about a human (im assuming it was, wheather it was you or someone you know) This is a topic i havent seen discussed in MLP at all aside from joking gender-bending spells.
Its feels as if you have simply ponified a human world, rather then Equestria. those observations aside...
I feel like his decision and revlation that he wanted to be a her came on rather quickly. I know you said it was about 2+ years to make the choice, but it seemed to me his mind was already made up, he was just looking for the courage to go through with it. Was that what was intended?
Overall rating: Good background, but could use a few tweaks. Grammar is excellent, though i would break up the speech and the narration a little more.