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Thread: My Little Pony XX: Appletastic Treats

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony XX: Appletastic Treats

    Quote Originally Posted by Kindablue View Post
    I liked it. I would suggest adding in something before the mail program that got Soaring initially thinking about transsexualism, though--or how he was first introduced to it. It doesn't have to be a life changing event; something like an innocuous conversation with someone about it might work.
    good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelhero View Post
    Wow, it is quite long, but i guess that it is appropriate being a short life story rather then a background.
    Now in just MY personal opinion
    it lost its "pony feel" in the middle, and could have been about a human (im assuming it was, wheather it was you or someone you know) This is a topic i havent seen discussed in MLP at all aside from joking gender-bending spells.
    Its feels as if you have simply ponified a human world, rather then Equestria.
    Decided I should address this as well. I'll work on ponyfying it. However, I don't consider it to be any less valid for a pony than any other type of sexuality. I know it's usually done as a joke, but I thought I'd try to do something more serious with it.
    Last edited by Mystic Muse; 2011-08-17 at 01:13 AM.