New Chapter:

From cover to end, this chapter is outstanding!

Speaking of the cover page, Wapol has really made a name for himself. Seriously, he's rich enough to buy himself an entire kingdom, and now he can finally be a king... again.

First panel of the chapter, and I have absolutely decided that Zeo is my favorite of the New Fishman Pirates.

The way that Zoro and Sanji are always trying to outdo eachother reminds me of that rivalry between Legolas and Gimli.

Jimbei's bounty is over 400 million!? That's the highest bounty revealed in the entire series! Also, Hodi may have gained incredible strength, but his technique is still pretty weak.

Brook really hasn't had many opportunities to show his skills, but he's got some interesting techniques that he can use with just his music, and that's in addition to his skills as a swordsman.

Zoro, you are scary... and FLIPPIN' AWESOME!

Sanji can use Geppo now! What other awesome techniques is he hiding?

Robin, meanwhile, seems to be about a dozen different fetishes rolled up into one person now.

Franky made a Rhino Bike. This means that he honestly thought that the Sunny being on dry land would be a common enough occurrence that the rhino bike would actually be needed. Still waiting for the Sunny to transform into a mecha now.

Also, somebody needs to edit that image of chopper commanding the tank to say "Drive me closer! I want to hug them with my hooves."

Finally, Hodi gets fed up with losing men by the thousands, and decides to have the Kraken attack the Straw Hats. The same Kraken that already lost to them underwater. Too bad for Hody, that plan backfires because Luffy already tamed the Kraken.

One random thing I noticed: Luffy didn't go to Chibi mode after using third gear last chapter.