Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
<sigh> Still so very sick

So, I tried to finally update an OP, with new links added to practically every spoiler. Largest in weeks, if not months. Did I missed any good sites that started recently, or anypony's new fanwork?

Also, I believe there was a question about best comic from OP in last thread - the parts in it are all that exist, sadly, artist went on hiatus.


In other news, I was supposed to give AJ some prime time, but I'm too sick to look so have Woona edition instead:


Get well soon Trixie.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
I have been writing roughly non stop since 2003.

No one said this was going to be easy.

I can assure you that it's absolutely worthwhile.
Since... 2003?

Good lord, I have 6 years worth of writing to catch up on.