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Thread: Help building a group of villains

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    starwoof's Avatar

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    Jan 2006
    Olympia, Washington

    Default Re: Help building a group of villains

    I was just about to post this exact thread, now I'm going to look like a tool.

    I like the idea of the Brute and the Dark Chick working together closely a lot more than the Dark Chick also being the brute. As has been said, their roles don't really jive with each other. It would also give the villainous band a nice little 'sub-group' thing that isn't a quirky miniboss squad.

    I have kind of a cool/funny mental image in my head of the Dark Chick and her werepolarbear 'animal companion'.
    Last edited by starwoof; 2011-08-23 at 01:55 AM.
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