Bon Iver's first album never really did it for me. I think the new one is so beautiful though and I just can't stop listening to it.

I've been listening to a lot of The Protomen because I got their second album finally and it's just such an amazing sonic experience, between the story and the contrast between the first and second albums, and even the first and second halves of the album. They're a great band that's really worth a listen if you like Mega Man (or even if you don't, really, since I knew nothing about Mega Man when I first heard them).

After that there's been a lot of listening to the debut albums from Foster The People (Indie/Alternative), The Vaccines (Pub Rock/Indie), and Cults (Indie), which are all great. The Vaccines have the most consistent album, in that it's consistently good with a few standout moments while the other two have mostly awesome songs with a few trashy ones thrown in.

I rediscovered Prozzak, which is a Canadian pop duo I used to like when I was a kid. I've been going through their three albums, specifically the one from 2005 which I never heard. They're lots of fun, even if they're kind of silly, and they were doing the "Virtual Band" thing back in like 1998, which was neat. I've also revisited Neutral Milk Hotel's In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, which is just an amazing record.

I also finally got my hands on a copy of the Fences/Mansions EP (which is actually only 2 songs) because Fences told all their fans that it was free on Amazon one day. The Mansions are a local band I'd heard of but never listened to, and they're pretty good, but the highlight was definitely the Fences song.

I've been listening to a lot of stuff. I might put a bunch of links here in a bit, or maybe not, depending on my mood.