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Quote Originally Posted by Glimbur View Post
PEACH for Ray Sailor of Sol Invictus!

I get the feeling that you have played Exalted... whatevs.

I actually only stole the name, though admittably I've thought of adding more utility abilities to Use Light inspired by Exalted.

Amusingly, the only Knowledge skill a sorcerer has in-class is arcana. That means it requires at least a 14 int (or 12 int and human) to qualify for the class, and that doesn't leave much room for Concentration which is a pretty important skill. Favored Souls have the same problem of lack of knowledge skills in class. I wonder if the Craft(Sculpting) requirement is necessary... we will see. Beguilers seem to have the best time of it as they are Int focused so they can afford the skill points for this. There could be entry after 5th level except spontaneous casters are a level behind, so this class is entry after 6th level. Why is it only open to spontaneous casters? We shall see.

Hmmm, point. It's partly why I kept it at only 4 ranks, but I could lower Craft (sculpting) to 4 ranks. With 4 skill points/level you could then qualify and still keep up Concentration as well. Luckily as far as I know all casters get Craft and Profession as class skills. I left it only to spontaneous casters both because I think they can use the extra and because I hate prepared casters.

4+ skills helps, but the skill list seems much broader than the expected entries. For example, why is Knowledge(Dungeoneering) or Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty) or Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) or, most powerfully, UMD on the class list?

UMD can be taken off, it was mostly due to originally the class requiring Artificer levels. All the Knowledges is prettymuch just because not enough classes get them and more knowledge means more... uh... "enlightenment"?

1/2 BAB and good will save is very Sorcerer. 8/10 casting means there should be some useful features in here. I personally think that full casting PrCs are poorly designed, so props for this.


Net proficiency! Random, but whatever.

Net what you want, 'cause a sailor is free.

Class feature time! Control Light should come after Guiding Lantern, as it references Guiding Lantern. A first level power at 7+ level is... let's see what else the class gets.

I'm used to doing things alphabetically, but thanks for the advice, will implement.

Guiding Lantern seems like a theme which will be developed. It would be nice if we were a bit clearer on the reduction of miss chance, I think you mean "If a creature of the same alignment as the god of the Raysailor attacks a creature which is between the first creature and the Guiding Lantern, miss chance due to concealment reduced by one step." It's kind of awkward to phrase that.

That's what I meant yeah. Will change the wording so.

Lighten Up is an Int based ability in a class that requires a Cha or Wis/Cha based caster to enter... or a beguiler I suppose if they get enough [Light] spells. It's useful for helping with encumbrance and the higher level version will be useful for loading and unloading cargo. Besides the pun it doesn't seem particularly light themed though.

Making the object shed light is not light-themed?

Advanced Learning is useful... for beguilers/warmages/etc. Adding things to a spell list isn't all that helpful for sorcerers or favored souls, as they are restricted by spells known. Consider adding one spell known each time Advanced Learning adds spells to a spell list.

Hmm, seems like a good idea. Thanks.

Take Light seems like it silly, as lighting a lantern is generally pretty trivial, until you get to the part where it replenishes uses of Use Light. This makes Use Light recover somewhat between encounters, though the per day limit on Take Light limits this recovery.

Mhmm, exactly.

Solar Sails: is the infusion done via Lighten Up, or the casting of the spells with [Light] or [Air] descriptors? If it starts failing within 8 hours, when does it finish failing?

Solar sails function only on ships infused via Lighten Up, but require castings of [Light] or [Air] spells to keep functioning. I meant for it to prettymuch be like "8 hours up? Okay, the ship starts falling."

Use Light: this seems to be the meat of the class. It seems like a character will generally want to stay at 0 Blackness, in order to be able to use White Light, and if Black Light is needed one can gain a point of Blackness via a different color. Is maximum Blackness equal to class level? It seems likely but it is not clearly stated. should probably read "each day that you use any color except White and Black", unless you want Raysailors to be unable to reduce Blackness until class level 9.

Huh, I guess I missed including maximum Blackness. It is indeed class level. And you're right, I'll change it to read "each day that you use all colors you know except White and Black".

Red Light: already, these are not spell-like abilities despite being described as such earlier. That's fine, but please change the first sentence of Use Light. Creative use could be handy, but people generally have enhancement bonuses at these levels. Could be useful for buffing minions/summons/etc. Destructive doesn't do very much damage... 10d6 at level 16 is kind of weak. The reverse is more potent, which seems to be your intent. The Regain action should make it clear that you still take the elemental damage, which seems to be your intent.

The reverses are intentionally more potent due to them giving you Blackness in return. I don't know what you mean by that it "should make it clear that you still take the elemental damage", because it never says you can prevent it. It only works if you take at least 10 points of fire damage, so if you are immune to fire, you cannot regain it in this manner (hence why there is Take Light).

I've also added spell-slot consumptions to all the Use Lights on their Destructive and Reverse functions.

Orange: Creative is minor untyped bonus to skills, most of which are pretty easy by character level 10. Destructive doesn't do very much damage, but the reverse is interesting. Is the acid damage conditional on being blinded? That is how it is written now, which seems strange.

Doubled the bonus to keep it relevant. The ongoing acid damage per round is conditional on being blinded, but the initial acid damage is not. Basically its fluff-wise meant to be like "tiny explosions of force remain behind, materializing acidic matter as the explosions burst in your face with blinding light and the acid sticks on your face". Or something like that.

Yellow: Creative is useful. Destructive is yet another blast. Reverse is ok, Regain is pretty standard by now.

Green: Creative is handy. Destructive... it's not another blast! Huzzah! How many attacks does the hand get? Just one, or iteratives based on BAB? For the Reverse, please specify how long the sickness lasts (probably 1d4 rounds, if I read you right). This Regain is hard to do, and maybe not worth attempting unless you have a custom item of Spellcraft or something. Still, there is Take Light to recharge this.

It's meant to get iteratives as normal for BAB, so yes.

Blue: Creative: specify a caster level for Dispel Magic. Destructive is interesting, it would be more worthwhile if it affected multiple targets. There is no Reverse here... maybe giving you control over effects you dispelled would be interesting. The Regain is strange here, as these characters so far have not needed Diplomacy or Perform(Oratory). What is the DC on a Perform(Oratory) check to inspire? Performances are routine, enjoyable, great, memorable, or extraordinary.

Specified caster level. Made Destructive affect up to 2 targets. Added Reverse. I dunno what the DC on a Perform (oratory) check for that is, but IIRC there are other PrCs or classes that can do that. Lowered the requirement, increased Spellcraft DC.

Indigo: Creative is unique in not expending the light. On the other hand, it's a niche 2nd level spell at character level ~15. Not a concern for balance reasons... if anything too weak. The Destructive use is stylish, but Confusion is a 4th level spell and hits an area instead of just a single target. The reverse does at most 3d6 Wis damage, which is kind of scary but gaining Blackness is kind of a big deal too. Regain again keys off of a skill that the character is not certain to have.

Lowered the requirement, increased Spellcraft DC. Made Creative at-will. Increased target amount of Destructive.

Violet: Creative is useful in towns or against mooks or whatever. A gaze attack at level ~15 is fine, especially one that only charms. Destructive is cool: forced Dim Door and possible Banishment. The Reverse is too weak: it would be balanced just to bestow a negative level without any need for grapples or what have you. How likely are you to want to bestow a negative level on someone willing to kiss you? In addition, the suggestion is kind of silly as only the first kiss seems to give a negative level. I see what you're trying to do, but it won't work well in practice. How long does the negative level last?Regain is... commoner with 1 HD is DC 27 spellcraft check. Level 15 means 18 ranks in spellcraft, plus int mod, plus a few other factors could be added. It's a gamble worth taking on full ranks alone though. Again, how long does the negative level last?

Negative levels last as long as normal: one day. Added that the second kiss also bestows a negative level.

White: Creative would be fine balance-wise if the aura lasted until you regained some other colors, Fast Healing and minor bonus damage is not a lot to have up all day, especially if it ties up class features. Destructive: how do spell effects interact with the barrier? For example, it seems that a fireball would go right through it, but a Hold Person could not be targeted through the opaque barrier. Am I right?

It was meant to more closely resemble the Violet part of a Prismatic Wall, so it would stop all magical effects. Editing in.

Black: Creative is kind of useful, but the HD limit is painful. I'm too lazy to look up how good Bone Creature or Corpse Creature are, but it's possible the limit could be raised to CL or even Character Level with no ill effects. Destructive is kind of unimpressive for a capstone, honestly.

Bone and Corpse creatures keep their class features and are intelligent.

Crew of Light: Here is where Craft(sculpting) comes in. One crew member isn't really enough to crew a ship, and the constructs seem like in general they will be used more as disposable semi-permanent minions like Planar Bound things or animal companions.

Increased amount of constructs to start with 4, since you need 5 minimum for most of the smaller big ships (as in, not a rowboat, but neither a warship).

Playing a Raysailor needs to be written.

Point. I rushed to get the mechanics done and forgot about that part, as school has started for me again. ^^;

Raysailors in the world... Ciddarttha Naút will run out of infusion ability pretty soon. The others show the variety available to the class, which is nice.

The region she travels through is meant to have very few villages far-off from one another. Plus, I plan on statting her up so you can see how many Lighten Up uses she has.

There's no explanation for why this is only open to spontaneous casters, or why it is a caster PrC at all. There doesn't seem to be a need for a Raysailor to worship a god with the Sun domain... they don't seem to draw power from a god or anything like that. Use Light is the cornerstone of the class but the powers range from situational to kind of useless. I would drop the Craft and Knowledge requirements to allow 2+ skill point characters access, and maybe raise Profession(Sailor) requirements to 8 ranks. Use Light... take a look at what level-appropriate spells can do. Most things are too weak for their character level. It looks like you took several interesting ideas and combined them... which is a good start. Now comes the harder part of merging them together and making the power somewhat higher. Good luck!

The god is for fluff reasons solely, really. I think I might tweak Use Light a little so that you can sacrifice a spell slot to increase the power. of the abilities. I'll consider your further suggestions for prerequisite adjustments.
Thanks for the PEACH! I'll be sure to return the favour when I have the time.