Recently I've been listening to a fair bit of Blackfield. Well, I'm always listening to some at least one of Steven Wilson's projects at some point, but in this case it's Blackfield's last album, Welcome to my DNA, in particular. Simply because it's really good, possibly their best.

I also stumbled across the works of Killing Joke a few weeks ago and have proceeded to spend all my time since kicking myself about why it took me so damn long to do this. Especially since I had actually heard of them before, which is surprisingly unusual considering that they've been around for over 30 years and just how ridiculously large an amount of influence they've had. Particularly on Hard Rock and Industrial Rock/Metal (two genres I have more than a passing knowledge of). Yes, they can be a bit conspiracy nuts at times (most obvious on their later albums as Jazz Coleman) but generally it's not easy to find much fault with the body of their work.

In a similar matter of 'recently stumbling across band that's been around for decades' I also rather unexpectedly fell into Ozzric Tentacles. I've never particularly thought of myself as being partial to instrumental electro-pyscadelic rock before, but I've been pleasently surprised so far by what I've heard.

Staying with the instrumentals, I also have God Is An Astronaut's album 'All is Violent, All is Bright' practically on repeat. It's good, is what I'm saying.