Brainstorming ideas for a Grey Knights Coteaz list. Say, 1500 points.

Obviously Coteaz, so that's 100 pts. I was thinking on some comments Cheesegear made about Death-Cult Assassins in Stormravens. Let's say, one squad of 9 Death-Cult and 3 Crusaders (to soak up wounds with their storm shields, though maybe this isn't a good idea), which is 180 points. With a Stormraven, that's 385 points, with no upgrades on the Stormraven. We can have another one of these squads easily, replacing one Assassin with an Ordos Xenos Inquisitor, equipped with, oh...power sword, power armor, and most notably, rad grenades. That's 58 points for him personally, so the total squad (with Stormraven) is 428 points, bringing our list total to 913 points.

Not sure where to go from here. Perhaps some objective camping warbands with Jokaero? Or just normal GK strike squads, outfitted for longer-range combat? By all means, please weigh in.
One of my friends experimented a bit with that, and found out a 1/1 mix of assasins and Crusaders made for a stupidly effective unit, that could both soak up a lot of damage in a melee, and deliver a really brutal beating to meq units.