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Thread: One Piece -- Discussion

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Vent Reynolt's Avatar

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    Default Re: One Piece -- Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    Not happening IMO. Jimbei's a veteran, not a protagonist. Shirahoshi is young, wants to see the world, and has a lot to prove. Jimbei lived his career already.

    Of course I sincerely doubt Shirahoshi as well, and frankly I don't trust myself to predict Oda's plots. He's the one Shounen author left I actually enjoy reading.

    At this point, I doubt anyone new will join, but Oda is unpredictable...
    Hmm... Predict the unpredictable? Alright, I got it; the next crewmate will be:
    Caribou! See, he fills the gap of the token Belkar of the crew, and Luffy will eventually convert him into joining for real just like Whitebeard got Ace to join his crew. Plus, he's a Logia, so he, by default, has unique skills to lend to the crew.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kato View Post
    I'll just spoiler everything ... because I'm lazy.


    They did? Never heard of it. I just took it as skill... Didn't Lucci did something like that as well against Luffy the first time? Was he using Haki? Not that I'd mind another team mate using Haki, not at all.

    The time the Lucci dodged Luffy's gatling attack, he was using Kami-e, which functioned similarly to Luffy's Gum Gum idiot. It doesn't grant them any precognitive abilities, just the ability to roll with the punches.

    The main reason I suggested Haki for Zoro there though was because of how similar Zoro's "Breath of all things" sounds to Gol D. Roger's "Voice of all things". Of course, they are probably all completely unrelated, and I'm just coming up with random insane theories.

    Nah, don't see it happen. I almost got a Heel Face Turn vibe from Hody if only because of his anger against Decken to go up and save the island... both of them teaming up again... dunno.
    Hody may be angry at Decken for being crazy, but I don't think that he'd turn down an opportunity to double team against Luffy, especially not in an environment that benefits him most. But, this is Hody, and he just might be arrogant enough to think that he could take Luffy alone as long as he's underwater.
    Last edited by Vent Reynolt; 2011-08-31 at 04:54 PM.
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