Quote Originally Posted by Moon_Called View Post

Moon Called watches as Saurous prepares for the spell, morbidly curious. Was she nervous? By the Hells, yes she is. She's about to get her bloody arm melted off in a ritual she didn't understand. She had no idea if it was going to hurt or not, and she wasn't really willing to ask out of suspicion the answer would be 'yes, quite a bit'. But, quite typically, the Ice Elf did her very best not to let her discomfort show, watching her lover with an expression of grim curiosity.

When he pulls out the diamond, though, her expression changes dramatically. Her eye widens, before a smirk pulls at her lips and her eye narrows. Looking down, she lifts her good hand, studying the ring finger intently.
"You know, dear," she says, dryly amused. "If you just carry those big rocks around with you, I have to wonder why I'm not seeing one on my finger..."
"Well, obviously it's because I can't jus..." Saurous begins, before trailing off once he realizes what Moon's saying. He gives her a dumbfounded stare, the terrified stare of a deer trapped in the headlights of an oncoming tractor-trailer. It's amazing how simple things like this can utterly ruin his imperturbability in ways that throttling a shoggoth could not. His surprise is punctuated by a final resonating pulse of energy.

The necromancer regains his composure commendably quickly, comforted somewhat by Moon's sardonic smirk. Hopefully she won't jump down his throat if he flubs his explanation. "Well, you know that I've been trained in magic practically since birth, right?" he begins, placing the remaining diamond fragments off to the side of the tray. "With that comes some level of perfectionism and...a bit of a hang-up on rituals. I always feel like important events like...that need to have some sort of massive significance behind them, some sort of associated event that makes it perfect. I just haven't found that perfect moment yet."

He pauses for a moment to pour water into his little concoction, forming a small pool of glittering red ink in the bowl.

"There's also the fact that I unleashed the vengeful spirit of a pavilion structure with a deep-seated hatred of all love onto the world, but that could probably be mitigated by staying the hell away from gazebos."