Quote Originally Posted by tgva8889 View Post
Kina stops, closes her eyes, and stretches her senses. After a long moment, she opens her eyes again.

I have a feeling you'll be safe. And don't worry about these hands. I've had much worse. :)

Sometimes you have to listen to what he means, not what he says. He does care about people. It isn't easy to see. I think we all hide a little bit. Too much, maybe.

Kina looks up. A broken streetlight fails to light the road ahead. She wonders, for a moment, whether or not that should surprise her.
Kaito smiles a bit.

Fair enough. And it's just friendly concern.

Even listening to that is hard. He's either using too many words, or the wrong words. I'm not saying he's out to get us. It's just hard to get a read on him, and that doesn't sit well with me. I guess I'll trust you on this.

He would. For now.