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Thread: Simple Q&A Pathfinder (By RAW) I

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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Simple Q&A Pathfinder (By RAW) I

    Yes, but you're also ignoring intended rules that are constantly untyped that exist in the game. Further, my original statement wasn't misleading at all. Any person can attempt to disable a known trap, following RAW, success is determined on if they have the Trapfinding special ability or not when it comes to magical traps. More often than not, if it is a magical trap, and the person knows of it but didn't use detect magic, then they set the trap and have the ability to disarm it anyways.

    Which means in the rare instances where a magical trap is detected via a detect magic spell the spell user, if dispel is available to them can dispel it hence disabling the trap.

    If they use the disable device skill it would fail by RAW rules, but again as I've stated it's illogical that one who doesn't have the trapfinding ability can't disable the trap and it should be houseruled so that anyone who can detect the trap and has the disable device skill can in fact disable a magical trap.

    On the matter of the Summoned nature's allies list I'll leave you with a post from the Paizo forums from one of the writers
    Quote Originally Posted by Frankthedm, Thu, Mar 10, 2011, 04:56 PM

    Originally Posted by James Jacobs
    We really just don't want to bloat the summon monster tables with too many choices, honestly. It's already kinda hard to choose a monster; making there be TOO many choices spread across TOO many books just leads to option paralysis in game and that's not good.

    Adding new monsters to the summon monster lists is a great house rule. And we add a few here and there in the deity articles we print every four volumes in Pathifnder. But beyond that... we are unlikely to officially expand the summon spells with new Bestairies. Just not a direction we're interested in going.

    (My emphasis added). In other words, even the writers suggest that it's a good "houserule" (if you follow the Houserule guidelines in the GMG) and that they've already added a few creatures outside of the list officially in their articles.

    I'll leave with this: what is the point of answering a question with purely RAW answers if you can't offer logical reasoning or pointed and valuable options that are outside of RAW that actually work? I get this is a RAW thread, and I've answered everything with RAW information, but there is no reason why I can't supply more information and logical methods of working with the RAW to better the game.
    Last edited by Xtomjames; 2011-09-09 at 11:16 AM.