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Thread: [Bleachitp:Reborn] Mortal World IV

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Bleachitp:Reborn] Mortal World IV

    Ken went straight home, took a bath, changed into some athletic wear, ate and slept. He got up very early in the morning and went outside intent on doing some experimenting. He looked around for a place fitting his needs and settled on an empty park. He spent the next few hours trying to will himself to move like Izumi and Sora did. Ken thought about the state of focus he had been in when he had caught Chiyoko and Valeria and tried to enter it once more. He sure had moved fast back then. Now if only he could manage to become faster still...

    Once he was done he returned home to repeat the cycle of bathing, changing, eating and resting. Then he got ready for school and headed out.

    On The Way To School
    On his way Ken saw Kina ahead of him and called out to her. "Hey, how's it going?"
    Last edited by nothingclever; 2011-09-10 at 06:09 PM.