
Viatrix examines the articles, and considers Yoshi's explanation. Fuchs slowly recovers from the paralysis, and sits off to the side, silent.

"These are very interesting. However, I've got to insist on a lower price. There are a few high school kids around here who have spiritual powers, and out of some misplaced ambition or sense of responsibility feel it's their duty to use them. They've been to the store already. While I'm not exactly a charity, I feel I should at least help them by selling these kinds of articles..." She taps her finger on an unwrapped scroll. "For a price they can afford. You probably have some kind of rules against interacting with mortals, but what about selling to a well-established medium, who in turn sells them to those who need it? I'd call that a pretty noble cause. Making a bit of coin and helping the community. I mean, you can't really just send the brute squad down and tell them to knock it off, right? They'll just do it anyway, that's how teens operate." She sips her tea. "So instead of being a hindrance, you can be a help. Right?" She gives a slight grin, a pretty convincing one, really. "And I happen to know that the average teen isn't carrying around „30,000 to throw willy-nilly."

"So how about „12,000 for the scrolls, and „49,000 for the... erm. What do you call it?" She points at the rod.