I love interacting with complex systems, designing them, hypothesizing on changes they see when new elements are introduced, so on and so forth. A setting worth the name has all of this, and it blends in my love of genre fiction settings, gives my creative license, and lets me engage with a narrative. GMing is writing, but without the work and with a delightful element of unpredictability.

I am also a very social person. Sure, I am, strictly speaking, an introvert. However, I love to spend time with a small group of friends, particularly when in any thing that could be reasonably well described as a creative endeavor. Again, GMing is a perfect fit for this. That I would like role playing games was inevitable, and that I would drift to GMing another inevitability. All I needed was an introduction to the concept, and my mother played D&D back in the day, so I even had that.