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Thread: I will draw your D&d character.

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    Ettin in the Playground
    dehro's Avatar

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    May 2007

    Default Re: I will draw your D&d character.

    I had not seen this thread.

    Well..I have a character I have used for ages, playing fantasy RPG.. in fact I also had it drawn by a friend of mine...who made it look like this
    I've always been very happy with the result. Still am.
    in case you're wondering, he doesn't have stumpy legs..the trousers were cut shorter than normal at my request..which doesn't look too good, maybe, but it worked for me.

    Yes, you may notice it's the same piccy the excellent Wojiz used to base my Stickatar on...I'm not good with change, when something works just fine for me.
    It is however time for a revamp, as my friend's attempt is from 2005.

    I'm not going to "compare" this piccy to the one you might want to draw, but If it bothers you to work from something existing ... I'll understand
    If it doesn't, I'll proceed with the specifics on the character:

    Name: Dehro P'alegas
    Race: Elvish but with a subtle hint of drow (I was young and stupid a newbie when I created the character, and followed the half-drow fad of the time)
    Age: He is passing the "young adult" stage into maturity, in elvish terms, whatever that means.
    Class/profession: The true embodiment of Ranger, with a spoonful of jedi-like mysticism and purpose, he is the master of a guild of.. protectors of equilibrium.. the balance of powers and status quo, as a means to protect their habitat, the forest.. He has trained in fencing since he could walk.
    Description: He's rather short and muscly, for an elf. striking the balance between a ripped physique and understatement. His torso bears several scars acquired in decades spent chasing Drow down their tunnels.
    Jet-black hair at waistlenght, 2 forelocks of white hair are often hidden underneath an equally white headband. When they are not, they frame his face.
    Black eyes, severe expression, slim and almost V shaped facial features. pointy ears, obviously.
    He wears a rather worn, high quality, skin-tight leather armour/outfit that is purposedly made (maybe even enchanted) not to look like much.
    Often he hides the armour underneath a pair of worn, almost frayed, green trousers and an equally patched and re-conditioned tunic. His boots are of the same worn down, no-frills high quality. Most often, he keeps warm by means of a cheap but heavy cloack, that once must have been either grey or green, it's hard to tell.
    Equipment: A leather belt of looking cool (it also holds up a pouch or two for coin and small items)
    A shoulder bag where he keeps his belongings.
    The aforementioned headband.
    Weapons and fighting: his weapon of choice is a drow scimitar, which magically updates it's kill count by sporting the true names of it's victims engraved on the blade itself in drow characters
    He is now reaching mastery with the quarterstaff as well.
    At long range, he prefers the sling to your typical elvish bow (in fact he doesn't own a bow at all) and is merelly competent with either.
    He's at his best swirling in the thick of the fray, with a blade in one hand and a knife in the other.
    Personality: he is rather quiet and refreshingly to the point and practical, for an elf.
    The stain of his mixed heritage made an outcast of him really early in his life, so he sought fulfillment in the war-parties, as a way to find a glorious death.
    He pushed himself harder than most, became a master swordsman and scout, developing a vicious strike in battle. Often he would find himself alone, hunting Drow. His status amongst the warriors grew fast, which disconcerned his clan leaders, who resolved to sent him off on a mission of exploration, making it clear that he needn't bother to come back.
    Since then he has come a long way. Years of isolation and meditation, encounters with humans and other races, and a couple of "mystical/religious" experiences have turned him into a great teacher and a man with a mission: to do whatever it takes to prevent wars and wanton destruction that might lead to the destruction of the forests he now calls his home and which he defends in the name of the local divine presence. To this end he has estabilished an order of rangers, spies and vigilantes, who all look up to him as a bit of a yoda/father figure.
    He has basic training in some nature-centered magic but rarely uses it, having instead developed a short range of mystic abilities that allow him fast travel within the forest and a few other nifty tricks. He stays a swordman at the core, but is keen on collecting books and items of lost knowledge. He's rather dour, severe and unflinching, doesn't smile often and is very conscious of his skills and his status/role/responsability amongst his brethren.

    Sorry about the wall o'text..
    I'd love to see your take on the character.
    Last edited by dehro; 2011-09-16 at 06:55 AM.
    All hail Smutmulch for crafting my avatar!
    Quote Originally Posted by kpenguin View Post
    Cursed zombies are more realistic.
    Spoiler: siggatar and previous avatars.

    the Badass Monkby Avi. Aktarus by Chd. Dehro by Wojiz