Nice thread you've got going here! Played through Red Hand myself once, thinking of DMing it, so this is pretty handy.

Quote Originally Posted by Saintheart View Post
As far as getting the players to return the phylactery without getting hurt -- use the strategy I was using to keep the PCs ignorant of the Antilife Shell: don't make the mountain come to Mohammed. Have the Ghostlord demand they throw it to him across the room. Or get one of the bonedrinkers walk up and take it from a party member. Or demand they toss the phylactery into the yellow pool (he can't drown, and he can easily retrieve it since he's immune to the pool's effects.)
Only thing is, if they're anything like my usual group, this will backfire 100% of the time because players will automatically assume that "Not wanting to collect something in person" = "We are standing on an area trap."