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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Capt. Ido learns to steal thread ideas (and also draw)!

    WHELP. I got the issue fixed but then never got around to posting... for three days...

    That sucks, but I have decided how I'm going to make that up (something that WILL happen!) and that is going to be to repeat what I've done tonight each day this week as additional practice.

    Day 19 - Fast poses

    Time spent: technically 12 minutes of pure drawing time, but 30 minutes total.
    Music: This playlist on random.

    Alright, I found this neat website that has this massive bank of poses, and someone has built an application that pulls these poses at random, and gives you a very short time limit to draw these out before a new picture is switched in. I'm counting up 24 different poses up there, so with the 30 second time limit they recommended I guess that's twelve rounds. I had a little break here and there when they gave me a really weird pose so that I could switch in a clean layer. After I was done I moved everything around a bit so that it'd fit my page better - I was drawing only five or so on the whole page at a time before hiding that layer and making a new one for space. Also, I made an increased effort as I went on to not lift up my stylus and get the flow of the pose the best I could, hopefully the bottom half of this page is less fluffy than the top.

    So here's what's going to happen. This felt like an amazing exercise, no question. Since I feel bad about missing the last three days, I'm going to "punish" myself by making me do this exercise every day this week in addition to my regular drawing. Who knows, maybe this'll be a regular thing and I might learn something out of it too?


    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    I use Corel Painter Essentials, at 150 pixels per inch (I've got no idea what that number means, I got it by doubling the base level).
    Ah okay! That mostly tells me what I wanted :) ppi is literally your resolution, how many pixels of the image will be in a square inch.

    "Tiring" is not a word I'd use to describe drawing from the elbow. Tiring is doing complicated cross-hatching with your wrist. Drawing from the elbow gives you big effects with a small number of sweeping gestures. Keep your hand still and move your entire arm. Gives you long, smooth, straight lines. It might take a few tries to get the line perfect, but I've found it's less difficult than I thought it'd be.
    Hmm... that does seem to get me straighter lines... I feel like I have a lot less control over the lines though. They go nice and straight, but they don't end where I want them to :\

    My biggest flaw going into this drawing project thing was that I overdetailed everything I ever did to a ridiculous degree. I don't know if I've kicked the habit, but it's something I've been working on.
    I want to line EVERYTHING. I feel sometimes like I don't actually draw, but instead I'm sculpting with whitespace, and THAT isn't really the way to go, I know that much.

    Nice action in this one, it feels like it's in motion. Only nitpick is I can't read his expression, the faint curved line under one eye makes him look almost scared.
    Yeah, I really could have stood to clean up that face. Actually thinking back, I bet that I meant to, but forgot and posted it after I finished a different part. Intentions mean nothing when I don't carry though though -_-"
    Last edited by Capt. Ido Nos; 2011-09-19 at 11:11 PM.