Anyone wonder how "Miss Succubus" can even fly with Nale clutched close to her (or aerially bull rush Elan into the tower wall in #805 ) ?

Normal succubi have a strength of 13, but flyers routinely need to keep at light load to fly at all... so either the twins are utter lightweights (as in "paper maché" ), or she has a Str of at least 21 or higher... estimating Nale/Elan at a very optimistic minimum 150 lbs, and not taking anyone's equipment into account. Otherwise... we are looking at a 24 or higher strength ? On a succubus rogue ?
Nevermind her grappling and pinning Elan while still airborne to kiss him against his will, while flying in #805 or back in #793.... Odd, to put it mildly.

Almost as much as V obviously being far too dumb to memorize even a single "Dispel Magic".. or conveniently failing his Will-save against "Plane Shift"