Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
Sliverpine raised an eyebrow at her words. "You do know you can't really force us to make up if she doesn't want to," he said in the same flat voice, locking eyes with her glare. He had seen worse, and being a coltly colt meant he had twice the bravado and none of the adult mellowness.
Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
"I'd rather she not run away, instead of talking it over with us, that 'timid oh woes must run away behavior'... I'm not that sympathetic to it," Gearstride replied. She sighed and shook her head not really taking to Mystic's butting in.
Night Jewel felt an urge to rapidly move her hoof so as to make an impact against her forehead.

"So because she's stuck being paralysed by fear, you can't forgive her for a little playfulness that goes too far? Wonderful. I guess if you get all nervous about it, Sandy won't forgive you for teasing him, either. Now come on. She's clearly sorry for what she did, but you're just making things harder for her. Besides, compared to a few things I've done, this is really a petty thing to get so mad about."