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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXIV: Now About 200% Longer Than Firefly

    Quote Originally Posted by InkwellPony View Post
    Heya Everypony! I've got a 'Feel The Hay Better Derek' pic that I'm working on, and wanted to share the WiP with you guys. This is based in part off a discussion I don't know how many threads ago, where people were discussing all the roles that Inkwell had in relation to Midnight, and apparently one of them, mostly at random, was with her as Midnight's kid... so, enough explanations, here's the WiP


    Kid Inkwell is named Aurora - after the Aurora Borealis. It's the only thing I could think of that is close to a rainbow at night. ^^

    Apparently Future Midnight with her potential foal is a thing now, since that makes two pictures in two (or was that three?) days. I love that idea. Especially when it produces adorable pictures like this one. It might be a work in progress, but it's already amazing, Inkwell. "Aurora" is absolutely adorable, and I really like Midnight's more mature, almost elegant form in this. :3

    I guess that means I'm going to have to think of a 'How Aurora Was Born' excerpt now, too...
    Last edited by EsperDerek; 2011-09-23 at 02:57 PM.