Quote Originally Posted by Glass Mouse View Post
New necklaces for everyone! Sure, why not. I guess loot is an integral part of every adventure.
this is hilarious. Why didn't I read this sooner?

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun
I dunno, I've never really taken hold of the whole "Tyrant Celestia" thing. It's worth a giggle or two, but on the whole she seems to darn nice.*

It's more that she seems to have gone to the same school for deities that the Remains of a Satellite That Collided With God (see: Futurama) attended. Or perhaps he was the professor. Either way, Celestia is a very firm proponent of using a light touch, assessing every situation and quietly setting pieces into motion which will resolve it to everyone's benefit without anyone realizing she had been involved. I think that the thousand years between her initial conflict with Nightmare Moon and the eventual return of Princess Luna eroded her willingness to directly impose her own tremendous powers on Equestria, when doing so has such massive consequences.*

Princess Celestia: benevolent mistress of the Xanatos Gambit. Because when you do things right, ponies won't be sure you've done anything at all.
I am flabbergasted that it took... Gosh, a full season for this idea to be generally acceptable.
Guess those were the initial assaults of the Internet; "good ruler, must be secretly instead of overtly evil".

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun
It's difficult for me to understand why people find Rainbow Dash annoying (this is far from the first time I've heard this... accusation? I guess?), because it seems like it's ignoring the fact that she's one of the deepest characters on the show.*

I don't know if we're ever going to get to dig deeply into her past, but Dash is a pony who has been told, "No". A lot. She's been picked on and teased, told she'd never amount to anything, and I don't know what else. And we know this because... well, we've seen some of the people from her past. And moreover, because she is absolutely coated in insecurities. Obsessed with being the best and having a good public image because that's how she can prove everypony wrong, which is how she manages to look at herself in a mirror each and every morning. The actual reasons are open to speculation, but it's pretty obvious she's seen some bad stuff. If she's acting abrasive and/or cocky, I mean... well, I think it's really a lot more sad than annoying. Nopony needs the magic of friendship more than she does.
This as well. Its funny to note that Phoe's habit of expressing my opinion better than I myself could was happening loooong before I noticed it

Luckily, she's such an eloquent writer. I can just point at her stuff and say "yeah".

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol
Rainbow's my favourite for slightly different reasons. She's reckless and thoughtless, and when she's with her friends she'll compete to be the best. She spent her formative years in a flight school and, as far as she knows, that's what ponies do. But the moment some external threat crops up of any kind she'll be with you till the end.

We see this quite a few times through the series. How she cheers up Applebloom in Call of the Cutie is a prime example.

Basically, Rainbow's always in a "Verses Them" mindset. If it's "Rainbow Verses Them" she's tough to be around, if it's "Us Verses Them" then she's the best friend ever.
Hm. I have a few friends I will have to forward this to, maybe they'll start believing there's depth to my behavior >>;

Quote Originally Posted by Faithful Song, Herdmother of Phyrexia View Post
Does anyone here have knowledge of the borg or the Phyrexians, and have avataring skills? I have a complex MLP request...

Edit: Haha. Said request is related to Blue's comments. Nice ninja-ing.
and there it begins. Sweet Dominion. Completion.

Quote Originally Posted by Gaelbert
I know I had just realized I misspelled all of them and I came back here to hide my shame, but I had already been caught.
Speaking of which, I've never dealt with a thread that moves this fast. I can barely keep up.
A quick look says 13 minutes between first post and apology. We were already picking up steam, thread one page 24.
Also, I should check up on Gaelbert, don't think he's returned for the season.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn
Please don't tempt me to write MLP fanfiction.

Quote Originally Posted by Rettu Skcollob
Yes, I can feel your Friendship. Strike me down with your fanfiction and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete!
Oh man, these threads are a goldmine of humor.
Why isn't this a macro caption yet?!

Quote Originally Posted by Trobby
Oh, Trobby. Miss ya, mate.

Quote Originally Posted by DarthBobcat
First, I wanna talk about the whole Iron Hoof thing. I just don't see it, and I don't think it's particularly funny. It's great to talk about Lord Dominus or something because the source material is so crappy that wild fan theories are the only thing that make it interesting, but this show is good enough to stand on its own.
Interesting. I'm leaning the same way now. I'm trying really hard to get all iron-hoof-y but it's just not in me, it so hard look at these candy colored, pudding filled adorable creatures and twist their framework.

Quote Originally Posted by DarthBobcat
sorry to offend. I'll keep the Dominic Deegan bashing in its proper thread.*

Also, Big Mac is awesome. I want him to have his own episode.*

In fact, he could help Doctor Whoof and Derpy solve a problem in the space time continuum with his fancy mathematics!*

Big Mac: Didn't you used to have wings?

Doctor Whoof: Well you see time is a horsey, worsey ball.*

Derpy: I'm a friendly reminder.
Boy is this man thorough. He doesn't even watch/like doctor who. I do, and I'm not sure what he's referencing. Ahar.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqolarooooooo
Three pages overnight. This is an acceptable level of pony.
HahahahAHHAAAAha. Three.

Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end...

Quote Originally Posted by DBC
*Re: My Little Pony: Because Friendship Is Magic
Originally Posted by Admiral Squish *
Man, when I think about it, I'm honestly surprised rainbow dash didn't turn out exactly like Gilda.
I guess that's where the Nature part of Nature vs Nurture comes in. I think on some level, Dash acts that way, but knows that she shouldn't, but it's too ingrained in her. It's her default behavior mode which she has the consciously resist.*

Gilda, on the other hand, doesn't have that bit of conscience.*

It makes me think that Dash had a good upbringing up to a point, then had the world turn on her (related to her flying school days? but if flying school was so terrible, why was she so eager to say the old school chant for Pinkie?), so she got selfish and defensive, with a "me against the world" attitude. But, because she was raised with good morals (friendship, loyalty, etc) up to a certain point, once she's in a good environment (Ponyville after the gang forms) she can adapt.*

Actually, her defining magical trait of loyalty WOULD explain why she didn't see the problem with Gilda. Gilda was her friend, and Dash doesn't like (noncompetitive) conflict with her friends.
Believe it was Thanqol who said it, but ponies who are told they are geniuses tend to crash and burn the first time something gets hard, where ponies who are told they worked hard or did a good job continue.

Rainbow was a flying ace, until she hit flight camp, where everypony was a flying ace, and boom. No longer the most special, the best and coolest, she had to work for what she wanted.

For someone who had coasted on passion and talent up to that point, that's a crazy shock.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol
Wow, this is really touching for some reason. *sniff* something in my eye.

Quote Originally Posted by DarthBobcat
Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn
Quote Originally Posted by Thanq-Ri La, the land of Nirvana
Oh, and this is the answer to various continuity problems related to The Ticket Master.
you make the ponies sad :(
I agree. That's just depressing. I REFUSE to believe that the Grand Galloping Gala will be like that!
Uncanny. That's actually pretty close to what really happened, and that was also the generic fan consensus...

Quote Originally Posted by The Beautiful and Terrible Phoe, Queen of Blogging
Yes. The Junior Speedsters are a separate organization from Cloudsdale University; I got the impression it was more like a summer camp than an actual school. The complete and total lack of griffons in Cloudsdale would seem to corroborate this.*

I just started a big giant writeup of all my theories about Rainbow Dash's past, but then it occurred to me - nuts to that, I am writing a fanfic about it. I just found my project for this weekend...
Hm. Did this become Chasing Rainbows? or is it a left behind fanwork, that you have half completed, O Phoe?


Enough old thread, time for new thread!

[Season 2] [spoilers]

On Windows
the stained glass windows are visual chronicles, not 'facts'. As you walk through the hall, the story progresses.
Think about it.
Pane 1: sad Luna
Pane 2: NMM evil eyes
Pane 3: celestia/NMM battle
Pane 4: moon banishment
Pane 5: NMM returns
Pane 6: Elements do battle
Throne: Celestia and Luna, side by side, ruling. Go ahead, look upon her. Look upon us. Turn your eyes, your anger and fear upon my sister. Tell her what you think, ignorant pony, who doesn't understand. See my response, this unity and love which allowed us once, we who were mortal, to stand before all of chaos and seal it in stone.
Call my sister all the dark names in your heart, I dare you. Because I won. Be angry. I won't have the time.

All she has done, all she has been through. She is stronger now than you could know, and the verbal slings of such a one as you? Water off the ducks back. Luna had the power in her hear. To seize the throne of heaven, and succeeded. She still sits that throne, does she not? We changed her mind, but still she is strong.

On Characters
Spike stole every scene he was in. I love this dragon.
DisQord holding Twilight like Simba cub? Sook cute~

Fluttershy the brute? Interesting, as a lark. Over all a rape of her character, though. All the "best pony" comments make me sad. Fluttershy is getting a raw deal, here. She is never going to be looked at the same again. This godbeing bent her mind under his omnipotent will, but now everypony is going to see this as a latent part of her personality, despite it having to be a perversion of who she is. She will forever bear the stigma- it's like a canonical Cupcakes.

Bucking bronco RD is sexy. In the same way a six foot long, fifty-millimeter 'rifle' is sexy. I enjoy the sheer athleticism and dangerousness of an actively hostile Rainbow Dash.

On the Effects Of Ponythread
gracious. Every couple minutes I'd mutter 'implied shipping' or 'ship material.
Big Mac licks Twilight? Shipping.
All the ropes? Shipping.
Fluttershy and Applejack together? Shipping.
It just went on and on. Awesome.

On Ponies and Pacing
I have to ask; dis any of you folks consider this was intentional? The designers have to get so much content into so many minutes. It's going to be hectic, why not use it?

Crazy storm of chocolate rain- hectic
Celestia's presence- calm, measured
Celestia and disQord in same room- fluctuates
Dealing with disQord and his chaos- hectic
Letters from the princess- calm, measured, but accelerated pace subtly hinting qt controlled panic
Corralling the ponies to restore harmony- starts hectic, becomes methodical

The pace, the frenetic, chaotic pace... That feeling of unease you get from watching some things too fast, others too slow, things not connected, somewhat disjointed...


All according to plan~


Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
I'm just not sure I want to RP a pony who is pretty much just a ponyfied, gender bent version of me. I mean, I'm sure I could come up with much more interesting characters than that
You'd be surprised. That's kind of what we are all doing (some with more help from Lix than others XD), even my own is just an extension of my childish view of things. Starry Notions lacks only my understanding of cause and effect politics.

And I look forward to your works- when you're comfortable doing them. A break is probably a good idea though. All work and no play, and well, too much play becomes work. Everything in moderation, including moderation, they say.

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
I wouldn't count on it, I'm not gonna be using that yet. I mean... * I won't be using that ever. Yes I will.
you are so cute~
I can't think of any other way to describe you. You are horribly, terribly awesome.

I still have a few months of childhood (or, teenagehood rather) and I intend to milk it as much as possible.
I don't want to be 20.
Hard to fight age of majority. Don't worry, you're not old until your joints say you are.
Related: don't wear cowboy boots and make athletics checks.
Or run 20 yards on your knees. Or sword-fight on balance beams.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Thank you!
Yes, assuming I can think of a plot.
Something tells me you'll pull that off in the end

I mentioned that Starry Storms was named after her auntie Starry Notions, right?
I am really, really flattered

Still don't get it. DXD
Well, if that is the gesture Ido had in mind... I want confirmation from him first though.

There is a character in Homestuck. She has All of the Luck, because she can steal luck from people. Her weapons are called the Flouride Octet-eight eight sided dice. The higher she rolls, the better.
Here is a link. You should NOT follow it. Instead of following it, you should follow THIS link and read the entirety of homestuck-although it starts slow, it is the best, awesomest, heartrendingest, confusingest, BESTEST comic. No exceptions.

But if you have no intention on reading any time soon, or will risk a spoiler, follow the first link, read it, and read the next ten or so pages, and see Vriska with All of the Luck, rolling 8^Y where Y=8.
Ah. Ok. Hm. Well, every MSPA link goes to the first page because of how my phone OS works, so no worries about spoilers. I think it will make more sense in context, though I'm starting to get it. Thank you :)

Awww, thanks!
Oh, the pic I use as a reference for Faithful Song? I use this one.

Now... I can't remember... what tremendously talented artist was it who did that for me?
Well, I was going to be a smarthorse and put up the name of the bloke who vectored and colored it, but you removed it from your signature, and all I remember is 1) I was impressed and 2) it wasn't Alterform. So... I'll just tand here awkwardly for a minute

I do hope that my megaposts are starting to get a LITTLE recognition, as small as they are in comparison to yours. xD
I recognize them! They seem to be becoming default ponythread format, actually. I'm surprised, although the more ponies do them, the easier they become to do. Please don't take that out of context, anypony >.<

I think I have explicitly stated before that it's 'Reverse Gender' because if I cast any spell with 'sex' in the name, I'll start giggling.
True. True.

(offers a Cure Serious Wounds)
*accepts without Will save* Gramerci.

That makes me giggle. xD
I just like the idea of kidnapping all wrong cause it's funny and sweet.
Also people would get annoyed with me being a literal goddess if I weren't playing her/me as a complete naive ditz half the time.
Well of course! Just because I'm holding you against your will, doesn't mean I'd have to be ungentlecoltly. Except the incarceration part.

And aye. Free-form has a bad reputation for just such stuff, which is why I prefer some level of system. My willingness to allow others to succeed goes away when they don't seem to share it. At the very least, I would pick an arbitrary third party to keep informed of info I have but my opponent doesn't. Many an FFRP argument was settled by a second, time-stamped document showing relative stats, how much I was bluffing about handling the enemy, and how much of my "Deus Ex Machina" perfect defenses were just very, very good guesses.
You guys astound me by handling yourselves so well.

I would have done it myself if the pinkielauncher was a file with flat colors that was easily modified... :(
Eyup. I'd have drawn it by now if I had more practice drawing Aurora, actually. It was my first thought, but it has to go to the bottom of the list for now.

This is a long queue isn't it. xD
I cant find the "Celestia with crazy long scroll" image, so I'll let you answer that.
Well, there you have it- straight from the goddess' mouth!

Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
So how much fresh fanon have we trampled already?
A little. More and more as the fallout gets distributed, I'm sure.

Quote Originally Posted by Shadowy View Post

I was going to write a review...... But that summarizes it in fewer words with more accuracy then I could ever hope to express.

Am I the only one who now wants to see an episode that's just Pinkie Vs Discord?
What do you mean "versus"?

Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
Wow, that was fast (Season 2):


Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Season Two: as I watch it


The internet... you're going to do flutterbondage now aren't you.

I most enjoyed the episode
What do you mean "now"? Haven't you looked in the secret file I flaunt ever so unsecretly?

Also, I like to think that either Rarity taught Thanqol to dance, or vice versa.*

Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
Waaaay ahead on that one

And the slightly more explicit version

Man that was a while ago (my art sure has improved), but the first one's still one of my most popular works on dA for some reason.
you drew those?! Wow, I'm a bigger fan of your work than I thought! I've been showing those around for around 8 threads now, or more. Probably closer to 18 threads!

I will have to get back on dA and favorite the muffins out of you.

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Season Two:

Heroes summon the strength of will to break your master plan? *pour some milk*

They possess artifacts that mean you can't touch them? *drink glass, leave milk*

About to taste the rainbow? *throw milk, have it explode* *Go out like a pimp.

Quote Originally Posted by Topaz View Post
I knew Fluttershy and Shimmer were related!
Which scene makes you say that?

Quote Originally Posted by erikun View Post
So, anyone else have a party member like this? *
Yes. In some games, I am this guy.
Though usually I set up sparring sessions, since I am supposed to trust my life to these people.

It's usually a "DM needs an hour and a half to think about something because he made a map, two encounters, and expected it to hold us all session" kind of thing though.

Quote Originally Posted by Jahkaivah View Post
"They said our love was forbidden, Zombie Spike! But I showed them!"

Quote Originally Posted by Topaz View Post
More evidence that Fluttershy and Shimmer are related!
aaaaaawwwwwww mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn~!
I've been sitting on that for three days, waiting for the right moment, and you beat me to it! Oh well. Have the other picture I've been sitting on...


Good game, Topaz. Good game.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn
... Shapeshifter.


Right. Rest of day is going to be art and work. So, have fun ponies!