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    Titan in the Playground
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    Derby, UK

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXIV: Now About 200% Longer Than Firefly

    So, a bit belatedly, I watched - well, it's yesterday's episode now!

    That was hilarious! And Awesome! And hilarious!

    I thought the pacing was a bit better, and that totally was written as a season closer, right down to the side-splitting Star Wars ending!

    (I agree, they probably could have spun it out into a three-parter. My guess is that Hasbro wouldn't have let them, though - I mean, they didn't let 'em close the season out with this - which would have been a better capstone than Best Night Ever, I think.)

    Additional thoughts:

    Spike is the new Rainbow Dash. Therefore Spike must be shipped with everything and everyone, including the kitchen sink (happened with RD, so...)

    This is, at least, an improvement over being the fanon punching-bag (and the canon-punching bag more often than not...!)

    Spike/RD shipping is looking actually even more plausible (and, while Spike/Rarity is the best, Spike/Rainbow is a good second - heck even Bobcat ... Even Bobcat said he bought that one...)

    (I suspect a fair rise in the amount of Spike shipping, even just from memetic mutation...)

    Yay, mane six are now really famous! Blows that bit of fanon right out of the park. (And, honestly, I prefer them being Big Damn Heroes.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kindablue View Post
    Also, I predict a sharp hike in Big Sparkle.
    Also, yes. Very much so...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Strife View Post
    A little abrupt at the end, I'd like to have seen Discord be something other than a pure villain.
    Bugger that. We've got enough "redeemable" villains already in this show, let's have at least one who is out-and-out villainous - about as Chaotic Evil as you're going to get in this sort of program...) I mean, for crying out loud, people are trying to redeem Blueblood and Gilda!

    Also, on an unrelated note, as I watched Hero Factory and Thundercats before Doctor Who, I saw the Celestia advert, to which I found myself shouting "Why are you pink!"

    It did, however, give me an amusing thought, whereby some entity kidnaps our dear sun goddess and replaces her with a clone (so as to rule from the shadows). Trouble, is they suck at it. Twilight and co are called in by a bemused Luna to find a pink Celestia, who keeps saying things like "I have pretty wings!" and generally being the Worst Clone Ever. It is fooling nopony (except perhaps, for comedic value, Prince Blueblood). Luna has to hold down the fort, dealing with an equally exasperated court as Pinkestia continues to follow her creator's "plans." Meanwhile Twilight and co have to search and rescue the real Princess, and find out what kind of idiot savant is capable of foalnapping and cloning a goddess, while simultaneously being the Worst Villain Ever. Hilarity ensues...

    On an unrelated and unpony, but mind-shatteringly stupid note, among the other avderts was for one of these gimmick kid's games - you know the sort, some technicaly dohickey that they build a "game" around. Only this one was actually about cleaning up dog poop. No, I excrete you not.

    I...I don't even...

    Okay, I understand the need to educate people to clean up after their animals, but seriously? What. The. Hell!?!

    I know far too many toy companies have long since stopped scraping the barrel in coming up with gimmicks (instead of creativity and playability) to sell toys, but this? This is excavating the ground under the barrel so far that you've gone into orbit on the otherside of the planet!
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2011-09-24 at 07:54 PM.