Quote Originally Posted by Beeskee View Post
I hope he returns, and that they're able to afford him. I also hope he checks out the show and likes it. I thought I heard that a bunch of other famous people who have become bronys. Or at least like the show somewhat. I could have sworn one of them was the actor who portrayed Westly. It'd be hilarious to have an episode with a bunch of folks from Star Trek voicing some of the characters.

Of course, the show being able to afford them is another issue entirely.
Thanks for reminding me. Thiessen also mentioned wanting to bring Discord back (who doesn't?). which made the first line in the video in this post extra hilarious:

Quote Originally Posted by AlterForm View Post
My Little Pony XXV: Au Contraire, Mon Pony Thread!

Although if that's too obscure, I'll second the Chocolate Rain suggestion.