Heartflight bowed slightly to the applause before stepping offstage.

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Gearstride-Civic center-The Dissonance and also the karaoke lives on

After Heartflight had finished her song, Gearstride had formally apologized to her. "I ahm...I'm sorry for have had made you feel bad. I didn't mean for that, I' can be an insensitive dope like that. I uh...didn't appreciate the whole second dumping of syrup but if you're sorry..then I guess I'm okay." Though honestly, its not completely petty about being angry with someone who dumped syrup all over you, no would like that in real life. I call moral dissonance here

"But anywhom,"
Gearstride pawed at the ground before glancing up again. "Yea...sorry for that."
"Oh yeah, um ..." Heartflight shrugged. "Yeah. Sorry 'bout that."