Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
(what? *whistles innocently*)

The orange colt waltzed over to her side rather clumsily, and held her with one hoof.

I better shape up,
'cause you need a colt

I need a colt
who can keep me satisfied.

I better shape up
if I'm gonna prove

You better prove
that my faith is justified.

Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure down deep inside.

You're the one that I want.

(you are the one i want want), o, o, oo, honey.
The one that I want.

(you are the one i want want), o,o,oo, honey.
The one that I want

(you are the one i want),o, o, oo
The one I neeeeeeeed.

Oh, yes indeed.

The filly grinned at the colt next to her head turned to him as the song came to an eventual end. She was glistened with a little sweat..and the lights , though a little worn down she was all smiles. She made to lick Silverpine's cheek before giving a hammy bow.