I took my new Contemptor Dreadnought for a spin today. My report is mixed.

On the one hand, it didn't get to fire once, or assault anything or get to do dreadnoughty things like move at all. I left it at the back to help cover my objective squatting scouts since I knew exactly where I'd bring on the Ymgarll genestealers, Tervigon, Tyrannofex, Trygon and Scythed Heirodule (Apocalypse game) if I were my opponent. A prediction that proved entirely correct.

What it did do, and this was great things, was take three entire rounds to put down and utterly dictate the moves of the Ymgrrls. Rupture cannons, Bio cannons, it mattered not, the shots that penetrated were saved. A 5+ invulnerable against shooting isn't great, but it's better than nothing and periodically pays off.

The Trygon finally finished it by ripping its arm off in one round of combat and then finishing it off in the next round. Still, it help up over 1000 points of units and that makes me happy, especially as the Heirodule died to a massed bloodstrike salvo before it could fire a second load of shots at it.